The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Theory without practice is nothing

- West Kazakhstan Region
8151 просмотров

Ten companies of the region are included in the implementation of the dual education

"Currently 17 colleges and 51 enterprises are adopting elements of the dual education. 979 college students study 18 trades within the dual system of education", - said the head of the department of the human capital development Aigul Abulkairova in Uralsk at the VI Regional Forum "Professional Education and Business - dialogue of partners".

Representatives of the Department of Education, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, directors of colleges, business leaders, employers have gathered to discuss the problems and prospects of development of VET in the region, to identify the next steps of the formation of the dual training system of technical and vocational education, to offer solutions to problems of greater involvement of the business - community in training of staff.

The forum participants noted with satisfaction the fruitful co-operation of VET organizations and enterprises - social partners in exchange of experience in implementing elements of the dual education system. There were suggestions, most of which are related to the early introduction of the regulatory framework in the system of vocational training in the dual education system. Representatives of employers were in favor of prompt equipment of colleges with modern equipment.

"Today, the production can’t compete on the market without modernization and equipment of production facilities with the latest equipment and technologies. And when we have interns, who never seen how the modern production works, as they were trained on the machines of 50 years ago, about what productional skills can we talk?", - asked a reasonable question the Director of West-Kazakhstan branch of JSC "KazTransCom" Vladimir Krivosheev.

At the end of the forum the industrial enterprises and educational institutions have agreed to cooperate in implementation of elements of the dual education system.

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