The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The main thing is to identify critical issues in time

- West Kazakhstan Region
8561 просмотров

Systemic and private problems of entrepreneurs gradually find their solution

The Chamber of entrepreneurs of WKR together with the regional prosecutor's office, within the frames of the concluded memorandum on mutual cooperation in protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, examined a number of problems in the spheres of environment, taxation, state regulation of production and turnover of certain types of petroleum products.

The analysis showed that many of the problems can be resolved. The main thing is to identify them in time and to develop a mechanism for their elimination.

So, one of the most common problems for business can be resolved at the regional level, it is a problem of enterprises serving landfills in the districts.

It is no secret that small and medium-sized businesses do not want to get engaged in execution of works on maintenance of village dumps because of huge expenses, moreover, they are often subject to pressure from the regulatory authorities.

The reason is that district landfill according to the Environmental Code are called solid waste landfills, and, of course, all these "zones" do not meet the requirements set out in the Environmental Code of Kazakhstan. General lack of project documentation, conclusions of environmental and sanitary services, non-observation of dumping technique, etc.

For example, the Department of Ecology of WKO received an order of Prosecutor's Office of Burlin district to suspend the activities of LLP "Astana Global Story KR", which under the trust management agreement with Akimat, services the village landfill in the village of Beryozovka of Burlin district. The key violations were identified in the activities of this company, this is non compliance of the landfill to the dump requirements.

The problems between business entities and state revenue department have escalated recently. The state body sends notifications to entrepreneurs about the need to provide additional tax reports and to pay taxes on settlements with companies in respect of which were initiated criminal cases on the grounds of pseudo-entrepreneurship.

Defending the interests of business, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs directed the relevant requests to the Department of State Revenue, the regional  prosecutor's office, which explained that these notifications are of preventive nature and have no legal consequences for business entities.

But the Chamber left open the question of the legality of sanctions against honest taxpayers in the case of recognition of their counterparts as pseudo-entrepreneurs. Experts of the Chamber continue to study this issue in terms of opportunities for bona fide taxpayers to avoid sanctions in the future.

There is another pressing problem  in connection with the adoption of the Law "On state regulation of production and turnover of certain types of petroleum products", associated with the installation of control meters.

For example, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of WKO received a collective appeal of LLP "Ural Petrochemical Company", LLP "Batys Arna", LLP "Oral Zhan Oil", LLP "Binom", LLP "MegaOilOral", LLP "Oral-Terminal", in which they express concern that short period is left before the date of the mandatory application of meters, but currently no provider in the country can offer them the necessary instruments.

Moreover, they carried out the calculation of the performance of such work, which may entail termination of the activities of majority of tank farms and create a fuel shortage on the market.

The abovementioned questions do not remain without attention of the Chamber, they are continually evaluated and reviewed at the meetings of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, which suggested concrete proposals to resolve them, including at the legislative level. Relevant proposals are sent to the NCE RK "Atameken".

In general, today there were held 11 meetings of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, which raised more than 20 systemic and specific issues. Out of all these meetings, 3 were held in the rural areas.

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