The national chamber of entrepreneurs


An experienced economist - at the head of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan supports the decision of the general meeting of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan on the nomination of the candidate for the post of Chairman of the Board of AFK Magzhan Auezov.

"For the real sector the issues of accessibility of "long" and cheap loans has always been relevant. And we hope that the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan, as one of the most respected expert sites can under the guidance of an experienced professional establish a constructive dialogue with both the National Bank of Kazakhstan and with NCE on the change of the monetary policy for the real sector", - said the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov. Magzhan Auezov is a professional in his field, he received a degree in economics at two prestigious US universities. He has extensive experience in the financial structures of Kazakhstan, member of the Board of Kazkommertsbank. On 31st of March 2015 – he was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Kazkommertsbank.

AFK is an association, which is accredited at NCE, which expresses the consolidated interests of the financial sector.

We also add that "Atameken" appreciates the work of the previous Chairman of the Board of the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan Askar Elemesov, who made a serious contribution to the development of the financial sector.

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