The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken" will take part in drafting the law on the transfer of state functions in a competitive environment

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs will continue to participate actively in the transfer of state functions to a competitive environment

Currently, the base law is being developed similar to the law "On self-regulation", where representatives of NCE "Atameken" will become full time participants in the procedures of transfer of state functions in business environment. This was announced today at a briefing at the party "Nur Otan" by the expert of the Department of coordination, examination of normative legal acts of NCE RK "Atameken" Aizhan Bizhanova, who was asked by journalists to tell about the role of "Atameken" in this process.

"The role of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" in the existing policies is important and active. I note that on May 15 this year enacted a law "On self-regulation" and an accompanying law to it ", - said A. Bizhanova. These laws regulate the issues of interaction of NCE RK "Atameken" with the self-regulatory organizations. And, in particular, as it was noted by the expert of "Atameken", it is a question of accreditation of organizations in the system of NCE, representation and protection of not only their rights, but also the legitimate interests of the members, the presentation of conclusions on the rules and standards of self-regulating organizations.

"Today, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" is the main platform for the discussion of issues on the appropriateness of self-regulation in business. So, we have conducted more than 20 round tables, published dozens of articles in the media", - added A. Bizhanova.

The active role of NCE remains the transfer of state functions in a competitive environment. Experts and representatives of NCE "Atameken" will become members of the working groups in each Ministry and Akimat, created for inventory of state functions. A. Bizhanova also added that "at the stage of analysis of market readiness "Atameken" is a direct co-ordinator working on completing an analytical form by business entities". In addition, NCE "Atameken" intends to prepare a set of recommendations for state bodies. Their goal is development of self-regulation of business and deregulation, as well as optimization of the state licensing system.

Zhanar Serdalina

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