The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Altyn sapa": quality is the main criterion

- West Kazakhstan Region
9540 просмотров

WKR continues to accept applications for participation in the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan"

About twenty individual entrepreneurs and legal entities expressed a desire to participate in the contests. Representatives of these companies came to a seminar to explain the procedures and rules of the competitions and the methodology for self-assessment of an enterprise. The seminar was conducted by the expert-auditor of QMS, the expert of the CIS Award, Assessor of the European Foundation for Quality Management Europe Award Madina Mukatova.

She explained to the participants the rules of application for participation in competitions and how to submit materials, reports, profiles in accordance with the rules of registration, submission and preliminary assessment of the participants of the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa" and the Republican contest-exhibition "Best Product Kazakhstan ", approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Last year, 23 enterprises of West Kazakhstan region took part in the regional competition-exhibition "Best Product of Kazakhstan" and 6 businesses in the competition "Altyn Sapa", - said the deputy director of the Regional Chamber for Economic Affairs Marat Nurguatov. - LLP "Gidromash-Orion-MZHBK" was the winner in the nomination "the best industrial goods" , LLP "Ural commercial and industrial company" in the nomination "the best goods for the population", LLP "Agroprodukt LTD" in the nomination "the best food products".

"Participation in the competition is not only prestigious, but also useful for any company seeking to operate according to international standards, - said Elena Klyuyeva, a representative of LLP "INTEC - ONMR" - so we are planning to participate in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa". We understand that in order to do this we have to work hard to mobilize all capabilities, but it's worth it".

At the end of the seminar, all participants were given certificates.

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