The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Mediation in business

- West Kazakhstan Region
11214 просмотров

Among the 80 complaints within the line of business protection for the first six months of 2016, the experts of the legal unit of RCE resolved 10 problems of business through negotiations

"Many entrepreneurs appreciate the opportunities with the help of which they can make a profit. Quite often interests of the business collide with the business interests of another entrepreneur. At the same time all businessmen appreciate the time. In addition to time, all appreciate the confidentiality of all that is related to their business. And this can be facilitated through negotiation process of the conflicting parties with a neutral person - the mediator", - said Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Nurzhan Maksotov at the regional forum "Development of Mediation Institute".

When considering appeals and complaints, where both sides are entrepreneurs, the Chamber practices settlement of disputes through negotiations. Here, as a rule, entrepreneurs themselves decide the principal moments. They agree with each other to solve problems.

At the meetings, roundtables with entrepreneurs, they were clarified provisions of the Law "On Mediation" and "On arbitration" and the main advantages of mediation. In practice, mediation has the following major advantages: time, privacy, money, autonomy in decision making.

Nurzhan Maksotov also raised at the forum the issue of the work of Arbitration Centre under NCE RK.

 Entrepreneurs were interested in issues of the regulations of the Arbitration Centre of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", its founders, and in what circumstances they can access the Center.

The forum participants made it clear that entrepreneurs can solve any economic dispute, if in advance at the stage of conclusion of the contract business partners included a special arbitration clause in the treaty text. Disputes can be between domestic and foreign business partners. He also spoke about the current roster of arbitrators, consisting of professionals, who are highly qualified and have extensive experience in the field of arbitration.

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