The national chamber of entrepreneurs


If the law is not perfect, it should be changed

- West Kazakhstan Region
10490 просмотров

Imperfection of legislation should not hinder the normal functioning of business

At the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of WKR was held the sixth meeting of the Council on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. This time the agenda included the following issues: problems of entrepreneurs in the resolution of disputes related to public procurement in 2015 and the 1st half of 2016, the work of local executive bodies in the development and registration of normative legal acts concerning the rights of entrepreneurs in 2015 and the past period of the current year, on the facts of attraction of entrepreneurs to the administrative responsibility for the allowable weight parameters for the carriage of goods.

Opening the meeting, chairman of the Council Khaidar Kapanov introduced the new members of the Board: Deputy regional prosecutor Tazhedena Naimanova, deputy head of the Department of Civil Service of WKR Zhaksata Muratova and Chairman of the Chamber of Notaries of the WKR Nail Elegenova. He noted that now the newly summoned Council in informal way demonstrates its competence, performs the orders of the Council on conduction of a thorough analysis of various issues related to the problems of entrepreneurs in the region. So, at the last meeting a member of the Board Nurlybek Yusubaliev was instructed to analyze problems of business during resolution of disputes in a court related to the public procurement. Practicing lawyer Nurlybek Yusubaliev, very often in practice encountered this problem, reported to the Council about the conducted analysis by illustrating a number of specific examples. His report showed that the in the region there are almost no suppliers of goods and services, which have not been recognized by the court as unscrupulous vendors. Either they do not manage on time, or do not provide certificates, as a result suppliers from other regions are often involved in the ​​public procurements of the region.

Commenting on the analysis of Nurlybek Yusubaliev, the Council recommended that it continues its analysis in order to thoroughly and convincingly make recommendations on amendments to the law "On public procurements".

Deputy akim of the region Igor Steksov said: "We're going to solve very important issues at the meeting of the Council, which is related to the economic development of the region, all the issues that are considered by the Council are topical and systemic. Now the issues of cargo transport, car parks, especially the transportation of hydrocarbons, are under special supervision, so the problem of attracting businesses to the administrative responsibility for the allowable weight parameters for the carriage of goods is known to us, and we will study it carefully in order to take the necessary decisions".

"With regard to the recognition of local contractors as unscrupulous providers, then it is necessary to do something. If only in 2015 the court reviewed 1 154 cases of recognition of entrepreneurs as unfair suppliers, and from the beginning of 2016 - 411, it seems that the court only deals with these issues. If that's the imperfection of the legislation, it is necessary to amend the laws", - said I. Steksov.

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