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In Kazakhstan, the rural farmers are more interested in the creation of feedlots than the opening of milk collection points

The number of applications for the opening of projects in these areas is different. Within the frames of the projects "Road Map of Employment", "Road Map of Business" as well as 11 applications for the amount of 66 million tenge from own funds of the Fund of financial support to create milk collection points and 2,500 applications for 7 billion tenge to create family feedlots" , - said today at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications the Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "National holding "KazAgro" Aigul Mukhamadieva.

In addition, the creation of agricultural and crop production cooperatives is financed in Kazakhstan. Aigul Mukhamadieva stressed that created cooperatives "will not be narrowly specialized due to their specificity and can be engaged in other activities". For example, harvesting of hides and wool, harvesting of fruits and vegetables, beekeeping, family poultry, fish farming, and so on. At the national holding believe that cooperation is "important regional focus for the creation of territorial cooperatives”.

At the request of the correspondent Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "NMH" KazAgro" answered the question as to whether the result is not active attempts to develop cooperative movement to the infringement of the interests of the farmers that already have a stable market, but for various reasons, such as, geographical distance from the center of the cooperative, it may be simply not interested in integration with its neighbors-competitors. "The very cooperation aimed at improving the competitiveness of small agricultural producers. If the farmer himself can provide the sales of its products, he has a market, then, of course, there is a great need to cooperate. Nevertheless, if he wants to expand the market for their sales, increase the volume of production, to increase the effect of the sales, including due to the volume to reduce the cost, increase the price, then all the same co-operation is a very good tool for this", - said Aigul Mukhamadieva.

Will creation of a network of collection points enhance milk production of dairy products in Kazakhstan? And will "milk boom" serve as a panacea from import of its analogs, which flood the shelves of shops in Kazakhstan? In the "KazAgro" believe that yes, increasing load of domestic processing enterprises – is a matter of time. "We are now witnessing the transition of our business from production of regular milk to other products. This means that if we have a large import for cheese or butter, then processing companies will have sufficient raw materials, they will be able to produce these products too, which clearly should lead to a reduction of imports", - said Aigul Mukhamadieva.

Zhanar Serdalina

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