The national chamber of entrepreneurs


To solve the problem in favor of business

- West Kazakhstan Region
10438 просмотров

The authority of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs is growing, as evidenced by statistics in favor of the business issues

Since the moment of the establishment of the Chamber there were held 26 meetings of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, this year - 7 meetings. Of the 25 systemic problems reviewed by the Council this year, 13 were solved positively. For the review of the Council system were reviewed the most pressing issues troubling businesses.

For example, May 22, 2015 at the regular meeting of the Board was considered a collective appeal of LLP "Business Adal", mall "Forum", the branches of JSC "Bank CenterCredit", JSC “Fortebank”, JSC "Sberbank" with a request to assist in addressing issues related to the opening of two-way traffic on the street named after Muhit from Sarayshyk street to street Zh. Moldagalieva. It should be noted that this problem was solved by the competent authorities for more than 6 years. When submitting the original recommendations to the Council to address this issue to the Internal Affairs Department of WKO, it has received formal replies to the impossibility of organizing two-way traffic on this stretch of road without giving specific reasons.

The inaction of the competent authorities in this matter has given rise to repeated handling businesses to the Chairman of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Khaidar Kapanova.

On 28th of September 2016 a letter with his signature was sent to the Chief of DIA of WKR Makhsudhan Ablazimov with proposal again to readdress this issue, taking into account the requirements of current legislation of Kazakhstan, subject to the principle of ensuring road safety, but also in the interests of residents and entrepreneurs.

Progress of consideration was taken under personal control of Kh. Kapanov. He held talks repeatedly with the leadership of DIA. The result - the question was solved positively.

Entrepreneurs of the business community of Uralsk: WKO branches of JSC "Bank CenterCredit", JSC “ForteBank”, JSC "Alfa-Bank" SB "Sberbank of Russia", the shopping center "Forum", LLP "Business Adal" thanked the Regional Chamber and in general, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs for a consistent and unwavering stance in the solution of the problems for the benefit of business.

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