The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Correspondence with state bodies is not compulsory

- West Kazakhstan Region
9720 просмотров

Meetings of entrepreneurs with state officials, organized by the experts of the Chamber at the site of RCE yield positive results

"The regular meetings that we hold, uniting entrepreneurs with representatives of the competent authorities on specific issues, in some cases, have a positive effect - said the expert of the legal unit Valentina Garshina. - In such cases, we deal without the traditional correspondence and official reports. Determining the root of mutual claims, trying to figure out, whether these contradictions are really insoluble, and can we find a way out of the problem without any sanctions, which are imposed by the regulatory authorities. Often, there is such a solution".

These meetings are held at the site of the Chamber for individual entrepreneurs, for a group of entrepreneurs, who have similar problems. Thus, assistance was provided to IE "Labzeneva E.", where municipal body for protection of the rights of consumers revealed violations on the part of an individual entrepreneur of legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the certificates of hosiery and tights. Elena Labzeneva was facing several thousand tenge fine. At a meeting with businessmen, representatives of management and the city prosecutor's office, it was found that the micro business of an entrepreneur is not in a very favorable situation because of the crisis, that this situation with certificates has developed due to the fact that due to the falling volume of sales of socks and stockings, they were purchased not on the wholesale market of Uralsk, as before, but in Almaty, where the originals of certificates were provided. It was agreed to search for possible solutions to the problem, avoiding the use of administrative liability in the form of a fine.

A similar effect occurred as result of the meeting of an individual entrepreneur Denis Astafiev with the representatives of state revenue department of Uralsk. As a result, an inspection, assigned by the SRD in the store "Denvik" owned by IE "Astafiev D.E." was discontinued. Entrepreneurs sent to the Director of the Regional Chamber thank you letters for his contribution to the preservation and development of the business.

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