The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Assistance to correct, conscious choice of future profession

- West Kazakhstan Region
10115 просмотров

Twice a month the Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Department of Education holds a city-wide day of career guidance

On this day school graduates will be acquainted with the educational institutions of technical and vocational training, with the enterprises of the city and region, with demand at the labor market.

The Regional Chamber has a task - to streamline and to organize vocational guidance for schoolchildren, to change the vector of vocational guidance to the market needs, the training of qualified personnel. For this purpose, there were opened 56 vocational guidance offices in secondary schools of the city and the region, forums and seminars are held in conjunction with the regional department of education, the database of the enterprises of the city and the region has been compiled, on-demanded occupations in the labor market, guided tours of schoolchildren at the enterprise are regularly conducted, there has been designed a series of designed classroom hours and discussions on vocational guidance. Department of Human Capital Development of the Chamber developed a manual "To help the school graduate ", where is described the action algorithm for a graduate school to determine the future profession", and, together with the NIS, was developed a collection edition of teaching materials for career-oriented work at school "Successful career choice".

Meetings within the framework of vocational guidance Day will create a comprehensive career guidance system that provides each college the opportunity to carry out information work in schools. Graduate school students will receive information about the demanded trades and training conditions. Meetings will also create an opportunity for parents to explore colleges together with the children.

On the Day of career guidance, which was held within the walls of the Ural College of Information Technology, the graduates of 9 classes of 18 schools of the city (a total of 36 schools will be covered in November) got acquainted with VET educational institutions in Uralsk, with specialties in demand at the labor market, with winners of regional, national competition of blue-collar occupations “World Skiils-2016".

"We told the school graduates that the choice of future profession must be conscious, - said Head of Human Capital Development Aigul Abulkairova. - Most students make the choice of their future profession by chance. Thus, step by step sequence of actions when choosing a future profession, will help the guys and their parents to choose future trade".

According to Aigul Abulkairova, now there is high demand for trained modern psychologists – career guidance specialists, teachers, special techniques. "Regular career guidance activities help to give a comprehensive large-scale approach in career-orientation, - she said - to balance the existing labor market and a modern education market".

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