The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Organize gambling business within the legal field

- West Kazakhstan Region
10380 просмотров

Entrepreneurs engaged in so-called lottery activities, sometimes come to the attention of law enforcement bodies. The Regional Chamber gives an explanation of the Law of RK "On Lottery and lottery activities" and particular what prosecution follows organization of illegal gambling business

The organizers of the lottery refer to the presence of the license for this type of activity and compliance of lottery terminals to qualification requirements, which are needed for organization and holding of lotteries.

Expert of the legal unit Asiya Basanbaeva told businessmen that the law prohibits the lottery a person who is not a lottery operator. It is also prohibited to conduct lotteries not covered by the Act. This provision was put into effect from 2nd of November this year. Thus, the government adopted measures to regulate the market of lotteries and move it from the "shadow" turnover.

According to Asiya Basanbaeva, 18 gambling establishments are registered on the territory of West Kazakhstan, of which 18 betting offices. In accordance with current legislation, 150 MCI should be paid to the budget for each cash box on monthly basis.

In recent years, the activities of the so-called lottery terminals, which have been installed almost all over the country in every city, are flourishing. Despite the measures taken, it should be noted that the number of lottery terminals did not diminish, but has a tendency to increase.

Entrepreneurs engaged in gambling, were informed that according to the Law "On Lottery and lottery activity" - lottery activities will exercised only by a single operator, which will defined by the Government. The entrepreneurs have been warned about the so-called "lottery terminals" are not lottery terminals and organization of work is illegal. We have warned representatives of trading houses on the need of termination of lease agreements with the owners of such terminals.

Business entities were informed that upon entry into force of the Act, the competent authorities planned operational and preventive measures aimed at curbing the activities of "lottery terminals".

"Our task is to call upon entrepreneurs to do business in the legal field. During the years 2015-2016, there were revealed 41 facts of illegal gambling organizations, including 18 facts of illegal activities of betting shops, 22 – organizations with illegal lottery terminals, 1 - casino organization", - summed up the meeting Asiya Basanbaeva.

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