The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Standardization rules will be simplified for business

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The standards will not be approved vertically, they will be adopted collectively

The process of approval of standards at the state bodies should change - such a proposal was made today by the Minister for Investment and Development Zhenis Kasymbek at a meeting of the Government of Kazakhstan. The Minister presented the draft law "On Standardization", as well as changes and additions to some legislative acts.

"The draft law is aimed at bringing Kazakhstani model close to an international. In its structure there are 9 chapters and 40 articles", - said the minister at the Government meeting.

To achieve this, the developers of the draft law propose to include in the national standardization body technical expert committees on standardization. "The national body according to the draft law is envisaged to create conditions for the adoption of standards by consensus of all interested parties. In this case, the standard will not be approved, by adopted ", - said Zhenis Kasymbek.

  In turn, by the decision of the Government will be determined the public legal entity that will become thus a national authority in the field of standardization. Speaking about the role of the technical committees, the minister added that they will become "an independent dialogue platform for all the subjects of standardization". It is proposed to transfer to technical commissions a mandatory technical discussion and a vote for the adoption of certain standards.

"Each member of the Technical Commission, regardless from which organization he was nominated, is provides with equal opportunity, one vote will be given per organization that he or she represents", - added the minister.

Amendments to some legislative acts on the issues of standardization imply changes and additions to the 6 codes. Among the fundamental norms is the introduction of calibration standards instead of checking. In addition, the expected reduction in the scope of the state metrological control and its specification. "The current scope includes 11 positions, we offer to cut it to 6, leaving only significant areas of activity from the point of view of safety of life and health", - summed Zhenis Kasymbek.

Zhanar Serdalina


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