The national chamber of entrepreneurs


We just need to legalize

- West Kazakhstan Region
9216 просмотров

Spontaneous markets should be moved to modern shopping centers

Most retail markets are characterized not only by poor sanitation and a low level of service, but also a high proportion of the shadow economy, so it is crucial to make a transition from a street market to the modern retail format, according to the regional chamber of entrepreneurs.

The problem of street markets in Uralsk exists for a long time. Traders in a chaotic manner occupy the available area: near supermarkets, legitimate markets near residential homes. Despite various restrictions on the part of the authorities, police and doctors, spontaneous trade is something that just develops.

According to law enforcement and authorized authorities, starting in 2015, on the facts of the unauthorized trade in respect of the perpetrators were filed 372 administrative protocols by article 204 of the Code of Administrative Offences of RK (2015 - 195, 2016 -177.).

Substantial funds that could be directed on other more important goals that are spent on the maintenance of proper sanitary conditions in the city,.

In addition, trade of not verified products bears a potential threat to human health and life. Trading on the ground when a cardboard or paper serves as a "counter", poses a real threat to all buyers. Unfortunately, in such cases, no one thinks about the observance of sanitary norms. Unchecked products can cause great harm to people, such as: milk, meat, eggs, which do not pass the veterinary inspection. In pursuit of cheapness people do not think about the origin of the goods, the date of manufacture and expiry date.

According to the expert of the legal unit of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Valentina Garshina, due to "spontaneous" trade conscientious entrepreneurs, who are engaged in trading activities with the payment of taxes and obligatory payments to the budget, suffer losses. "Given that spontaneous trade is illegal (unregistered person as a subject of business), we permanently conduct outreach on the need to legitimize commercial activity", - said V. Garshina.

All these and other questions related to the problem of the elimination of illegal street trade on the territory of Uralsk were discussed at the interagency meeting in the regional prosecutor's office.

Within the framework of the project "town without spontaneous trade", the Regional Chamber with the involvement of marketers plans to conduct predictive calculation of the risk of elimination of trade in unauthorized places. Office of State Revenue will conduct monitoring of persons carrying out the illegal trade to determine revenues.

The activities of the Chamber of entrepreneurs on the subject are being based on the Law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan" and is aimed at ensuring and protecting the rights and lawful interests of business entities.


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