The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The new growth point on the map of Kazakhstan

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At NCE "Atameken" was presented a master plan of the town of Nurkent, which is being built on the border with China

Akimat of Almaty region and the developers have submitted to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" the general plan and layout of the new town of Nurkent to get an expert opinion. Deputy Chairman of NCE Yuliya Yakupbaeva at the beginning of the meeting noted the great significance of the project for Kazakhstan's economy in general and the construction sector, in particular.

Head of Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Almaty region Darken Nurzhanov said that the site for the construction of the city on the east side is directly adjacent to the existing village Pigeon, the main part is free. "The number of new population of the town according to the following periods: 50 thousand people - in the first place (in 2022), 105 thousand - during the interim period (2035), estimated time - 120 thousand people (2050).... Projects implemented in full and passed all the necessary approvals in the districts and regional state bodies", - he said.

 President of the Union of Urban Planners of Kazakhstan, director of LLP "Urbostil" Lubov Nysanbayeva noted that currently there have already been implemented many objects that require complex linkages. "Firstly, it is a multi-modal transport and logistics corridor "Western Europe - Western China". The railroad "Western Europe - Western China" is about to be commissioned.  Railway corridor is already built and functions. Station Altynkol has also been built. In addition, FEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate" is thoroughly formed, which is a town-forming basis for development of the town. The dry port was built, logistics and industrial zone of the first stage is being built", - she stated.

Nysanbayeva stressed that the construction of transport and logistics hub in the area is inevitable. "We have to be very serious about this. This will allow to develop the economy of our country in another way", - she added.

The expert also noted that staff will be needed for the creation of the new town, respectively, the question of construction of a residential area for people is quite acute. "We have studied the labor resources of Zharkent-Khorgos agglomeration, where the self-employed could potentially work in our town. In addition, there are 3 thousand unemployed. But there are not enough people. The interest is shown in all regions of Kazakhstan, people are willing to come and to work, but there is no place to live yet", - she said.

 Chief Town Planner of Kazakhstan also drew attention to the fact that the town is built in a unique nature. There are Zhetysu and Alatau mountains, a river, lakes and sand. "The unique combination of natural elements allows us to speak about the development of recreational tourism", - she said.

"The town will be of medium height, comfortable for living. The architecture and style of the village must be recognizable. It is planned to build an interesting oriental bazaar", - said Nysanbayeva.

She also noted that the ideas of a Danish architect, the author of the idea of the pedestrian towns of Ian Gale will be used during construction of Nurkent.

Nysanbayeva added that the first phase of construction of the city will need 36 thousand staff, 52 thousand - during the interim period and 68 thousand  numbers of staff- for settlement.

"Looking at the layout, I want to say that there was traced a wide variety of design solutions. As for industry, it is, indeed, a big point of growth, a large field for the construction industry, for tourism. The beautiful town according to a master plan, but how it will develop further depends on us", - commented Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

Deputy Director of the Department of manufacturing industry of NCE "Atameken" Khakim Sabirov expressed concern that the new town can fill up with cheap Chinese goods and labor. He noted that the city administration together with NCE should work on this issue.

"China has cheap labor. Look, from what materials are constructed building at ICBC "Khorgos". This is completely Chinese product. We want to make Nurkent for us, for Kazakhstan. Our business is crying, they can not get the orders. It is necessary to create conditions so that it is profitable for business to work there. Now there is a question that in Kazakhstan all the objects that are being are built at the expense of public money, as much as possible should be equipped with the products of domestic producers", - he said.

Summing up the discussion, Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that the Chamber has already made certain observations on the general plan of the city, some of them are removed, but there are new. "We will indicate it in the recommendations. Once it is approved, we will have to work on the following questions: What benefits will need to provide for the town to grow; which finances should be provided; the measures for industrial development, etc. It is our joint work ", - she said.


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