The national chamber of entrepreneurs


First training, then opening of business

- West Kazakhstan Region
4934 просмотров

The goals of mass entrepreneurship development is only possible through a meeting with residents of rural districts

Such meetings of the leadership of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the region with inhabitants of rural districts Taypak and Almaly of Akzhaik District, reflect many areas of the Address of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness", are very fruitful.

Meeting with entrepreneurs in regional centers have become obligatory and an essential element of the Regional Chamber. "Now our task – is to reach every entrepreneur in the region, to meet with businessmen in the rural districts, to bring to each existing and potential entrepreneur challenges faced by the country in the implementation of the ambitious, as the head of state said, but feasible goal - to ensure contribution of small and medium-sized businesses to GDP at the level of 50% by 2050, - said Nurlan Kairshin - the director of the Regional Chamber. - There is - rich earth, hard-working people, an unprecedented state support. Now you need as soon as possible to deliver to each active entrepreneur, as well as unemployed and self-employed resident of the village on the prospects and opportunities of business development in rural areas".

At a meeting with the population of the village Taypak and Almaly of Akzhaik District Nurlan Kairshin spoke about the Chamber of entrepreneurs, its goals, objectives and functions of the Chamber, on the financial and non-financial support of government programs, especially "United program of business support and development "Roadmap of business-2020" and "Program of productive employment and the development of mass entrepreneurship". The participants were interested in the training project "Business - Bastau", which the National Chamber of entrepreneurs is launching this year. As part of the objective of the development of mass-entrepreneurship, this project is aimed at attracting the unemployed and self-employed business. Participants of the meeting agreed that this project will help identify people with entrepreneurial initiative, and further training of villagers will give a good impetus for the development of business initiatives.

At the end of the meeting, Nurlan Kairshin responded to specific questions of the villagers, told about the microcredit project for rural businesses, implemented by the Chamber, together with the Akimat, for the implementation of which 600 million tenge will be allocated (300 million by the akimat and the Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture). Entrepreneurs of the village Taypak T. Kereev, E. Ermekov, Tlekeeva S., I. Zhumkaziev asked questions about lending under the state programs, about the collateral, the opening of a new business. Peasants were pleasantly surprised that the loans are granted at 7%, the houses and appliances are taken as a pledge, a grace period for the payment of the loan. "Terms of the loan are beneficial for rural business, - said the director of the regional chamber. - But we should always remember that any loan has to be repaid, and therefore we need training to basics of business that will help to calculate all the risks".

The meeting participants noted that they had received answers to many questions. "We previously thought to start a business, especially in animal husbandry, but it is very difficult without an initial capital - shared impressions villagers. - Now, many fears are dispelled. Moreover, there is the continued support of the Chamber. "Nurlan Kairshin advised to form cooperatives, since only united, we can solve many problems that can’t be solve alone. "New Address of the President "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" has set for the agricultural sector, really big problems that demand radical solutions, - said the director of the Regional Chamber. - We need to shift from primary production to the production of high-quality, processed products, and this is only possible in conditions of cooperation".


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