The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Which state bodies interfere with the business?

- West Kazakhstan Region
5238 просмотров

RCE conducts public monitoring on revealing corruption offenses in the sphere of tax administration and fire safety
As you know, the National Chamber of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption signed a roadmap for the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement.

The Roadmap provides analysis for the identification of the causes and conditions, conducive to corruption offenses in 16 areas: public health, the development of entrepreneurial activity by local executive bodies, agriculture, architecture and urban development, land relations, traffic control, energy and utilities, government procurement, conducted by Local executive bodies , tax and customs administration, natural resources and ecology, veterinary, sanitary-epidemiological surveillance, fire, safety, enforcement of judgments.


In this regard, the regional Chamber shall hold a public monitoring to identify the causes and conditions that facilitate the commission of corruption offenses in the activities of organizations in the field of tax administration, and fire safety. At a meeting with businessmen of the region were invited representatives of the Department of State Revenue, disaster management and the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies. The format, where entrepreneurs can directly ask questions to find out the problem or conflict situation with government officials, has become known and recognized among the business representatives.

At these meetings, the entrepreneurs not only to learn about the work being done to identify corruption risks, but also using the platform of the Chamber, the presence of representatives of state bodies, as well as the prosecutor's office, along with experts from the Regional Chamber decide specific questions. Thus, the head of SP "Smolevsky S." solved the issue with the head of the management of the State Revenue Department of the town of Uralsk on the VAT refund, and representatives of LLP "Medical Center" on the legality of actions by the inspector of fire safety, to carry out training of all employees of LLP. The question of representatives of LLP "NEFTEK" and LLP "Oral-Terminal" with the Management of the Office of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies on the timing of the information on the justification of increasing gasoline prices were also discussed at the meeting. Representatives of the Office of the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan of WKR held presentation of the project "the Committee in every home". Participants of the meeting explained that the Committee's work is aimed, first and foremost, to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. To this end, we developed a number of innovative projects that provide the maximum protection of society against the illegal actions of various kinds, as well as providing a reliable link between society and the state. Such projects make transparent the work of almost all state agencies and increase public confidence to the public authorities. So, for example, the Committee developed and implemented services that helps without leaving your home with the help of a mobile device, or a smartphone, tablet or laptop typing the address to track your appeal to the state authorities, to learn whether there are penalties and how they can be paid, to check a person, if he is wanted, entrepreneurs can find out if the check is registered


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