The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Unchildish problems of kindergardens

- West Kazakhstan Region
5472 просмотров

Issues of private kindergartens were discussed at the regular February meeting of the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

Everyone knows that in order to solve the problem with queues in the state children's kindergardens, the Government has set up a special program "Balapan", according to which the private kindergardens are provided support and funds for the payment of the state educational order for them. Parents share with the state the payment for education and training in the private kindergardens. The state pays from the republican budget the cost of services for pre-school education and training, and parents - the cost of food, as well as, if desired, for additional services of the kindergarden.

Opening the meeting, the chairman Council Khaidar Kapanov noted that all the issues submitted to the Council, are previously studied, worked, so that members of the Council know what interests business, what they complain about, in what issues there are administrative barriers that hinder the development of business. "Our main goal - is to represent and to protect honest and law-abiding entrepreneurs - said Khaidar Kapanov. – Not to lobby someone else's narrow corporate interests, namely, to identify core problematic issues of SMEs". According to the Chairman of the Council, the problem of private kindergardens have ceased to be problems of one, two, and even a few entrepreneurs. "Any business needs to see the perspective of development, - said Chairman of the Council. - But as far for the development of private preschools, no one will undertake to predict how this business will develop".

Director of LLP "Zhana tolkyn" Boris Lavrentiev voiced the main problems in this sphere. "Now there are 22 private pre-school institutions in the city, 5 more are about to open, - said Boris Lavrentev. - The program has been around for several years, but there is no coherent development policy of private preschool institutions. There is a lot of red tape in the derivation of land from housing fund, signing a contract for medical care for children in the framework of free medical care and so on".

Entrepreneurs have raised many questions about the development of private preschools at the Council. The problems with the opening of kindergardens, construction, contracting with medical institutions, checks and others.

One of the main problems, according to the heads of private kindergardens, is the contradiction between the norms of the Decree of the Government allowing the founders of private kindergardens to determine the payment themselves, and the Ministry of Education, in which the Department of Education of regions set their own payment ceiling.

"It is high time to review the rules for the establishment of payment services by parents of preschool institutions, - summed up the Chairman of the Council. - After all, on the basis of those rules, is a set a limit of wages of staff, the amounts allocated to food, child, etc. Tell me, what qualified teacher will work at a salary of 35 thousand tenge? Or you can create a full diet, consisting of four meals per child for 350 tenge per day?".

The Council recommended that the Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the regional prosecutor's office to give a legal assessment of the legality of the actions of health care organizations, denying to enter into contracts with private pre-school institutions in the health care of children in the framework of free medical care. Also, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the education department of Uralsk should develop a step by step scheme for obtaining permits for opening kindergardens.
The Council members also heard a report on the work done by the Chamber of entrepreneurs, working on elimination of administrative barriers in the sphere of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and  appeals of businessmen in 2016, which were received by RCE of WKR and encouraged to provide information on the analysis of business applications of the regional akim.


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