The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The National Chamber offered to exclude ineffective support of business

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Ablay Myrzakhmetov believes that it is necessary to provide "targeted help" to enterprises on the conditions of increasing competitiveness

To this end, the National Chamber has developed a program to improve the competitiveness of key industries. Its main provisions were presented by the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK at the expanded meeting of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken".

Support includes several directions. This is the formation of a sectoral policy with the establishment of specific target indicators, the development of a map on the basis of the register of domestic producers, support of industries through a system of regulated purchases, and others.

"Based on the results of the research, Atameken proposes to form industry development programs that have a practical effect - they are clear goals, results, activities, deadlines, and implementers. It is also necessary to analyze the state of the industries, the result of which should be the "Map of the location of production". All the enterprises of the manufacturing industry of the country will be represented in it in the context of sub-sectors and regions", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said, speaking at an enlarged meeting of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

According to Myrzakhmetov, the Map will become an instrument of effective industrial policy. It will allow to identify the real specialization of regions around which it will be possible to build cluster chains for further development.

"We suggest using the" Special Investment Contract "instrument. Business, will undertake to increase localization of production, increase exports and introduce new technologies. At the same time, it will be able to count on long-term orders, priority in regulated purchases and other measures of support from the state", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

Separately, Ablay Myrzakhmetov dwelled on the problem of access to finance for entrepreneurs. He stressed that today loans for legal entities decreased by 5.7%, or more than 300 billion tenge. In this regard, a balanced and coordinated macro policy is needed.

"We hope that in the near future the stimulating role of monetary policy will be restored, the double mandate of the National Bank will be secured, and banks will provide loans at lower rates", - Ablay Myrzakhmetov said.

He also noted that it was time to envisage stimulating business activity through tax policy. In particular, through reducing the burden on the payroll fund to 20-25%, optimizing the number of taxes and transferring taxes from SMEs to local budgets, which will create a system for motivating the akimats for business development.



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