The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Bolat Palmbetov met with Pavlodar entrepreneurs

- Pavlodar Region
12702 просмотров

Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of RK Bolat Palymbetov paid a business visit to Pavlodar.

He met with the deputy prosecutor of the Pavlodar region Marat Alikhanov. In the course of the meeting, the parties discussed the problematic issues affecting entrepreneurs.

In the recently opened "Investors' House" Bolat Palymbetov and akim of the Pavlodar region Bulat Bakauov discussed in detail the appeals of businessmen and outlined the ways of solving them. As a result of the meeting, the head of the region gave several instructions to the state authorities to improve the business climate.

In the course of the meeting of the Regional Council, Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of RK reported about the main achievements of the Institute of Business Ombudsmen.

"None of the appeals of an entrepreneur is left without consideration. We have achieved amendments to the law on entrepreneurial activity. The legislation is being humanized. The system of preventive control is being developed. The article on pseudo-entrepreneurship has been decriminalized. Thanks to these measures, there is a decrease in the number of complaints from entrepreneurs. Also, the number of court decisions is growing when entrepreneurs win the court against government agencies. We have a lot of entrepreneurs who work with border countries. They should know that in case of any problems they will not be left alone. We have signed an agreement on mutual assistance with business Ombudsmen of Russia and Uzbekistan," Bolat Palymbetov said.

The business ombudsman said that the business ombudsman institution is monitoring the involvement of business entities in criminal proceedings.

"We had a good and constructive dialogue with the akim of the region. Pavlodar region is an industrial region, where there are all the prerequisites for the development of entrepreneurship. We monitor the initiation of criminal proceedings against entrepreneurs. And, it is necessary to note that there is a good tendency to reduce the number of criminal cases in the Pavlodar region. There is a termination of criminal cases against business entities on rehabilitative grounds. In this regard, good work is being done," he said.

Bolat Palymbetov emphasized that the rights of bona fide entrepreneurs are a priority. Members of the Regional Council made several proposals to address the issues of entrepreneurs.  

 According to Article 43 of the Land Code, there should be transparency in the provision of land plots, which is not always observed at the local level.

"Local executive bodies should publish information in the mass media and on the Internet resources on provided land plots with details to whom, where, what area and for what purposes the land is allocated. Therefore, in case of refusal of the entrepreneur, it is necessary to explain with the participation of the Atameken NCE RK the reason for the refusal. 90% of complaints from entrepreneurs can be resolved locally. And today, the regional akim gave good recommendations to his subordinates in this regard," Bolat Palymbetov summed up.

Businessman held a personal reception of Pavlodar entrepreneurs, where he studied the problematic issues and promised to consider them in detail.

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