The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Altyn Sapa: To put a stake on innovation and latest technology

- West Kazakhstan Region
7832 просмотров

The company develops unique software solutions for document management

Among the companies of the West Kazakhstan region, claiming the Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Altyn Sapa", there is a young but dynamic company LLP "Kamal Oil", specializing in the design, engineering, inspection of equipment and materials, provision of construction management services, as well as development of personal software in the field of document management.

LLP "Kamal Oil" is a fully Kazakh company, created from scratch by hardworking people, professionals. The company is the leader in the industry for the second year by the amount of taxes paid to the budget. Investment in education of young people, using in their work innovations and the latest technologies, thet studied the experience of competitors, markets, applying the principles of international trade, good governance, the company has become a regional leader in this field. Now the company has set a goal - to become a national leader, and then to get an international recognition.

Professional design and engineering are the key to the success of any project. "In our work we use such technologies, which allow you to create 3D-model of any object, whether it is a separate item or an entire plant, while avoiding errors and the notorious" human factor – said the general director of LLP "Kamal Oil" Abay Kamalov. - Simulation starts from a scratch: this is the territory on which the object should be located, and, step by step show up the underground utilities, flyovers, pipelines, equipment and ... ready installation".

Head of the company said that during the creation of a model are utilized technological, architectural and civil engineering, electrical engineering disciplines, as well as control and automation, water supply, sewerage, heating and ventilation. In other words, the project is created entirely from A to Z. Abay Kamalov emphasized that the company models in 3D and prepares technical information from individual components to complex plans, up to the master plan.

Special pride of the head of the company is the software, developed for document management, as "Kamal Oil" is its inventor and developer. "They can be named unique - explained the commercial director Elmira Kamalova. - So, with the help of EurisKO and DCC-modules, you can controll documents of any company from anywhere in the world from any Internet browser without any special setup".

"The program EurisKO solves the problems of operational coordination of documents, monitoring of deadlines, providing protection for the company's documentation, - explained Elmira Kamalova. - Introduction of a matrix of distribution of responsibilities enables each employee to know exactly their role in the project, which increases the efficiency of the staff".

Another direction of work of the company - inspection of equipment and materials. Inspection is carried out before delivery, thus allows timely replacement of defective material or equipment, saving customers time, resources and minimizing risks.

"The company can’t grow faster than the people, operating in it", - says one of the points of the strategy of LLP "Kamal-Oil" on human capital. Thanks to the work of "Kamal Oil", former students, having high quality training, mentoring, today have become highly skilled in this area.

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