The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Without an e-signature and e-invoices, export and import of goods can’t be done in new conditions

- West Kazakhstan Region
16132 просмотров

New rules for import and export of goods in connection with accession to the WTO were explained to entrepreneurs

The participants of foreign trade activities of the West Kazakhstan region at the site of the Chamber of entrepreneurs received a detailed explanation on the changes in the tax and customs regulations in connection with the accession to the WTO.

The need for the meeting with representatives of the Department of State Revenue and regional veterinary inspection was due to numerous appeals of the regional businesses who clarified the new rules for import and export of goods to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On 22nd of June 22, 2015 in Geneva, the Republic of Kazakhstan completed negotiations to join the World Trade Organization, the protocol on joining the WTO was ratified by the Presidential Decree in October, in December 2015 the Republic of Kazakhstan became a full member of the organization. On 11th of January this year, came into force, the Protocol on the import and handling of goods on the territory of the EAEU and, with it the Council Decision of EAEU "On the list of goods in respect of which the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the commitments made as a condition of joining the WTO will apply import duties, which are lower than the CCT of EAEU.

Deputy Head of the SRD of the WKO Nurbolat Abdul explained: "The West Kazakhstan gets a large list of imported goods from third countries, so the participants of foreign economic activity, need a clear knowledge of rates and fees of the WTO and the Common Customs Tariff of EAEU as goods imported at the rate of the WTO can not be exported to the countries of the Customs Union. The list of goods is very extensive, planned quantity for export entrepreneur must issue at the rate of ETT EAEC, and the transaction should be approved by the state revenue department".

"Goods imported to the Republic of Kazakhstan at the rate of a common customs tariff for export to the customs territory of the EAEU should be accompanied by a copy of a customs declaration and an electronic invoice. During export of goods produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan, EAEU member states, if the product of this group is in the list of exemptions must provide a certificate of origin of ST-1 form as a supporting document. Under the Protocol, the goods subject to veterinary control (supervision) introduced to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan from third countries, and products made from them products can be moved only if the goods are imported according to the requirements in the field of veterinary and sanitary measures of EAEU and the current CCT rates of EAEU", - explained at the roundtable the head of the office of commodity nomenclature of SRC of WKO Sagida Shakenova.

FEA participants asked questions about the rules of registration for an electronic digital signature and an electronic invoice, which is not possible without further export and import of goods under the new conditions. The representative of LLP "Zhelayevskiy complex of bakeries" Alexei Borzikov told about technical problems when filling in an e-invoice, in the case if the list of imported goods is large and it is difficult to do it within the stipulated 15 days, which are foreseen by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To what the experts of the Chamber asked to initiate amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan to increase the term up to 30 days.

Overall, the roundtable participants noted that Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO opens up great opportunities for the import of goods from third countries at low WTO rates, which has a positive impact on the competitiveness of goods produced and sold and provides great opportunities for the development of domestic entrepreneurship.

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