The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken" consulted Korean investors

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Businessmen of South Korea are highly interested in the opportunity to participate in the privatization of Kazakhstani objects

Today, the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken” Yuliya Yakupbaeva hosted a business delegation from South Korea.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the prospects of participation of the Korean party in the privatization of the Kazakhstani projects. The backbone of a business group were representatives of the financial group Kookmin Bank, which is one of the largest banks in Korea.

Directors of departments of ministries and other authorities  were invited to the meeting at NCE RK "Atameken", as well as representatives of the national holding, whose objects are also exhibited or offered for sale. "Atameken" sent to the relevant authorities the preliminary questions of Korean businessmen.

In his opening remarks Yuliya Yakupbaeva stated that "privatization process in Kazakhstan is very active, there was determined a list of assets for sale".

"There will be set up project offices for big lots, on our proposal, the composition of these offices will include representatives of the Stock Exchange and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs" Atameken ", - explained Y. Yakupbaeva.

It was stressed at the same meeting that "Atameken" didn’t limit only to this proposal. NCE also initiated to support companies participating in privatization, as well as provision of services of valuation of the objects by domestic professional participants of the securities market. "And this is a proposal was supported by the Government of Kazakhstan ", - underlined Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

"Now, our cooperation with the private sector and representatives of the securities market is expanded", - added the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken".

During the meeting, the guests were able to get answers of competent professionals to their questions. Most Korean businessmen are interested in the measures taken by the Government of Kazakhstan for the protection of foreign investments, as well as incentives and preferences. In addition, they asked questions that relate specifically to the rules of participation in privatization, they discussed the audit procedure for privatized assets. At the same time Korean partners do not hide the fact that they "came to look at privatization issues from different angles".

Zhanar Serdalina

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