The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Timur Kulibayev: "Unavailability of financial resources slows down the process of privatization, quasi-public sector procurement procedures need to be revised"

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Head of NCE believes: without access to "long money", effective privatization is not possible, and acting procedures of procurement of quasi-public sector are governed only by internal rules, which does not let to increase the level of responsibility of executors

At the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" was held a meeting of the Presidium with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev, members of the Government, representatives of the business community.

Chairman of the Presidium Timur Kulibayev gave the floor to the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Nurzhan Altaev, who reported on the activities of the Chamber in 2016 and work plans for the next year.

Subsequent statements of the representatives of Kazakhstan's business community concerned the development of the competitiveness of domestic companies, the transition to a knowledge-based economy, the issues of domestic output of products for export and the actual problems of human capital formation in the country.     

В ходе заседания Председатель Президиума Тимур Кулибаев отдельно остановился на вопросе приватизации. Он отметил, что имеется поручение During the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium Timur Kulibayev paid particular attention to the issue of privatization. He noted that there is order of the President on this issue, but the process has not yet gained sufficient pace. Kulibayev said that the main reason for the delay of the privatization process is the issue of access to finances. The so-called "long money" (i.e. borrowed funds for longer terms) are not available for private business and the refinancing rate is very high. Accordingly, he said, privatization, long term contracts or investment activities in such conditions are ineffective or impossible.

Timur Kulibayev made a proposal to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan to entrust the Ministry of National Economy to hold a meeting on the theme: "Privatization: the availability of financial resources" with participation of the National Bank, "Baiterek" Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" and the National Chamber.

The head of the Presidium also touched upon the subject of the procurement of quasi-public sector. He once again pointed out that at the moment the procurements of quasi-public sector are half times higher then the public procurement and makes up 5 trillion tenge, while the procedures are actually regulated only by the internal rules of quasi-state institutions. Timur Kulibayev said that, despite the active work of the National Chamber with the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna", and their openness to dialogue, many questions remain unresolved. The Chairman of the Presidium informed about the plans of the National Chamber to make proposals to strengthen the responsibility of workers of quasi-public sector in matters of procurement, as well as proposals for improving corporate procedures within the structures of "Samruk-Kazyna".

Another way to support local businesses in procurement, according to T. Kulibayev, is the introduction of the practice of long-term contracts. He noted that there are good examples of the localization of production in Kazakhstan at the expense of long-term contracts, for example, in the field of railway transport.

In addition, Timur Kulibayev said that, given the difficult economic period, the National Chamber assigns priority to employment issues. To this end, the Chamber proposes to implement jointly with the Government in 2017 training programs in rural areas, as well as micro-credits. In particular, the Chamber already has a successful experience of the business school program "Bastau" in a number of regions, where villagers are taught the basics of entrepreneurship.

Reduction of supervisory functions of the state - is another priority of the National Chamber, said the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE. For example, in collaboration with government bodies the National Chamber managed to significantly reduce the rate of veterinary control, but there is still a lot of work in this area.

The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan thanked the speakers for the information provided and emphasized the comprehensive, fundamental partnership between the National Chamber and the Government on all issues of social and economic development of the country. He noted that joint work has resulted in some success, so as of January 2017 will start new programs of large socio-economic importance - in the field of agriculture and employment. Bakhytzhan Sagintayev stressed that the joint work of the Government and the Chamber concerns a wide variety of issues, from customs procedures to issues of public-private partnership.


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