The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Trust of the business must be justified

- West Kazakhstan Region
12327 просмотров

Business Ombudsman listened to the problems of the Ural businessmen

Business Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov at the end of the reporting meeting with businessmen held a reception of business representatives and took note of specific issues, with addressed entrepreneurs.

First of all, the issues of presentation of land plots and change of the target destination for property lease of objects of state property, inconsistency of tariffs for passenger transportation with actual costs of carriers, non-execution of the budget legislation by local executive bodies.

"To solve the problem of unavailability of land at a meeting with Akim of the region Altai Kulgin - said Business Ombudsman to entrepreneurs – it was suggested to conduct auctions on a periodic basis, while suggestions of entrepreneurs regarding obtaining of a particular area should be considered during formation of a list of objects to be included in the auction. Akim supported this solution to the problem. Moreover, he assured that very soon these auctions will be held in West Kazakhstan".

In total there there are 444 settlements in WKR, 246 of which have no general plans. The reason is the lack of data for budget purposes. Moreover, in 188 settlements of the region, general plans were developed in 70-80s of last century and do not meet the requirements of urban planning. In many regions, there are already electronic maps of land, which greatly simplifies the planning and starting a business. Electronic maps of land should be established and they should be open, especially in terms of availability of land plots.

According to Bolat Palymbetov, these circumstances constitute grounds for refusal to grant a land plot. The change of the existing general plans and design estimate documentation is the competence of local executive bodies. In practice, the provision of land or changes due to non-compliance of DED or change of the purpose of land use create conditions for corruption, as LEB (Land Committee, Architecture department), forcing businessmen to give them a reward for the possibility of changing the DED or granting of a land plot and in case of non-compliance of DED.

For non-compliance of tariffs for passenger transportation with actual cost of carriers, it was suggested to allocate the respective budgets to subsidize the costs of losses of carriers or to consider increase tariff to a level that ensures the necessary profitability of the businesses involved in the travel industry.

A group of owners of small convenience stores addressed to a business ombudsman regarding the license fee for retail sales of alcoholic beverages. They wonder about the need to pay an annual license fee as well as the absence of differentiation for collection of fees from large, hyper - and supermarkets and small shops, and therefore, they asked to amend the existing legislation.

Bolat Palymbetov expressed his satisfaction with the atmosphere of the meeting with the entrepreneurs of WKR. "The meeting showed that the level of confidence of the business community to NCE, the Regional Chamber is growing. This is evident in the mood of entrepreneurs. The issues that they raised talk about the level of responsibility, competence and a desire to build fair business rules in relationship with the authorities. This is why the National Chamber should work to justify the trust of business", - summed up the Business Ombudsman.

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