The national chamber of entrepreneurs


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- Aktobe Region
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"Technodom CT KZ", "TK-Farm" and LLC "Molocchnie Istori" will take part in the national contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan 2016"

Since 2015 the organizer of the Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan" is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", the organizers of regional competitions, exhibitions - the Chamber of entrepreneurs in 14 regions of the country and the cities of Astana and Almaty.

The event was attended by 32 leading companies of the region, representatives of business associations, entrepreneurs, potential customers, suppliers, the media and others.

"Contest "The Best Product of Kazakhstan-2016" is held by the Chamber of entrepreneurs for the second year. I hope that the contest will be effective for our producers", - said the acting Director of RCE Mirlan Bisengaliev.

Such well-known companies as JSC "Aktobe Oil Equipment Plant", LLP "Aktobe rail and structural steel plant", LLP "Aktobe plant of fire-fighting equipment", LLP "Ecotone-Batys", LLP "NPK Chemical Aktobe", LLP "Paida", LLP "Technodom CTKZ", LLP “Kazizol”, LLP "EkoVtorTekhResurs", LLP "Composite Aktobe fittings", LLP "Star Time", LLP "Batys-Plastic", LLP "GlobalSpetsodezhda", LLP "TC Farm Aktobe", LLP "Veltorg-Aktobe", LLP “West Line doors”, LLP "Company Shagir”, LLP" Atelier Ai Aru", LLP "SanTekhTreyd", "Aktobe NAN", LLP "New Aldzhansky Flour Plant", LLP "Molochnie Istori”, LLP "Kumkuduk", farm "Abylai"; individual entrepreneurs: Bakishev K.O., Dzhangazieva A.I., Duysenbaeva M.M., Ryskulov D.E., Tuyakova M.A., Egenberdieva Zh.A., Shurahanov D., Esenamanov G.K. and etc. demonstrated their goods to jury.

The expert commission has identified winners of the competition in three categories. The winner in the nomination "The best industrial goods" was named LLP "Technodom CT KZ", in the nomination "The best goods for the population" diploma of 1st degree received LLP "TK-Farm". LLP "Molochnie Istori" was awarded 1st place in the category "The Best food product".

The winners will take part in the national contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", which will be held in autumn in Astana.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan #194 dated by November 9, 2006 "On the competition for the prize of the President "Altyn Sapa" and the Republican contest-exhibition "The Best Product of Kazakhstan", the contest is held to enhance the activity of physical and legal bodies, aimed to improve the quality of domestic products, to facilitate saturation of the market with high-quality and competitive products, promotion of the quality of ideas among the population.

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