The national chamber of entrepreneurs


It is better to see once

- West Kazakhstan Region
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According to the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs in order to raise the prestige of working professions, a new approach to career guidance system in educational institutions is required

"As a rule, students think about the choice of future profession only in the graduating class, - said the head of the human capital development of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Aigul Abulkairova. - But the choice of future profession defines the future life. Therefore, career guidance should be the main focus of work at schools, along with training and education".

"The Chamber of entrepreneurs developed a specific algorithm of action in this area, 56 career guidance offices were opened, forums and seminars are conducted jointly with the regional department of education, days of vocational guidance are organized around the town, a database of town enterprises and the regional ones on demand occupations in the labor market has been compiled, - said Aigul Abulkairova . - Tours of schoolchildren to enterprises of the city vocational guidance classroom hours and discussions are held systematically. Thus, during 2014, 2015, 2016 the Chamber organized tours for graduates of schools and colleges of the city at JSC "Ural Plant "Zenith"", JSC "Uralagroremmash", LLP "Kazarmaprom", LLP "Kublei", LLP "Factory Plus" , JSC "Zhelayevskiy bakery" and many others. "Department of Human Capital Development of the Chamber has been compiled a manual "To help the school graduates", where was compiled an algorithm of actions for school graduates to choose the future profession" and, together with NIS prepared a collection of teaching materials for career-oriented work at school "Successful career choice".

Excursion to LLP "Glass-Service", organized by the Chamber, made it possible for students to get acquainted with the advanced and modern production, to meet the company management, supervisors and workers, visually ensure that the labor trades and the technical professions are in demand at modern production facilities. LLP "Glass-Service" today is one of the leading companies in the region. The company's products are well known outside the region. According to the company's employees, it managed to succeed with the help of government support and cohesive team responsible. To date, the production employs about 70 people. In 2017, the organization will exhibit its products at Expo, so the "Glass-Service" has something to show and to tell to the younger generation.

The head of production department Anatoly Galitsky conducted a guided tour for high school students in a professional manner, spoke about the peculiarities of the production, about the requirements of modern trades. The tour has demonstrated young people that labor trades require a good knowledge, high qualification.

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