The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Yuliya Yakupbaeva: "Without improving the quality of medical services within CSMI, the system will not go to a new level"

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At a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission was announced the position of the business community on the draft law related to the introduction of compulsory social medical insurance

The concept of the draft Law "On introducing amendments and addenda to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the issues of health and the social and labor sphere" was discussed at the meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the legislative activities under the Ministry of Justice of RK.

As it was noted by the Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva, the provisions of the Concept have been discussed at the site of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" with participation of representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, industry associations, large employers, the business community and the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the meetings, consolidated comments and suggestions of the business community were represented in the expert opinion of the National Chamber.

"Issues of administration of payment of contributions, quality and delivery of health services both in the draft law on CSMI and the Concept are not elaborated enough. Without improving the quality of medical services within CSMI, the system will get to a new level, and therefore, there can be resentment and misunderstanding on the part of citizens about the need for the transition to the new system. Why to pay extra money if the quality and quantity of services remain the same", - commented Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

The concept proposed to exclude such a notion as "insurance period" and "experience of participation", as on the basis of the fundamental principle of CSMI system, contributions must be paid for each person. It is reported that in case of non-payment of fees and contributions, people receive medical care within CSMI system only for 3 months after the termination of the payment of such contributions and fees.

"However, the law of RK "On compulsory social medical insurance" does not contain provisions, stipulating that in the event of non-payment of fees and contributions, a person receives medical care in CSMI system for not more than 3 months after the termination of the payment of such contributions and fees. For example, if the employee’s wages are paid with a delay of 3-4 months, he will be denied admission to the hospital due to the absence of payment of contributions by the employer. As a result, discontent and conflict situations in the field of employment will occur. It is also necessary to take into account some of the activities which are of a seasonal nature, i.e., agriculture, construction, etc.", - said Yuliya Yakupbaeva. At the same time, by the condition on 28th of June this year, according to the regional crisis headquarters, salary arrears for longer than three months, is about 134 million tenge, the debt at bankrupt enterprises - 955 million tenge.

"The concept does not provide access to health care in the case of lump-sum repayment of debt for 6 months or more. The legislation establishes adequate methods and measures to recover the unpaid amounts to the Fund of CSMI by analogy with the recovery of the amounts of arrears on tax liabilities (accrued penalties, recovery of bank accounts, etc.). In connection with this, we offer further work and discussion of the system of CSMI with the trade unions of large enterprises", - she said.

The representative of leadership of NCE stressed that the situation with the payment of contributions by an employer for employees of enterprises in the process of bankruptcy and rehabilitation, as well as for workers on extended unpaid leave, is unrealizable.

"Neither applicable regulations nor draft laws disclose what is "unforeseen expenses". Free interpretation of the wording "unforseen expenses" and referal of costs, without sufficient grounds, in practice entails the risk of wrongful use of the Fund", - explained Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.

 The concept stipulates the introduction of the employer's obligation to send information on the number of people, who have undergone training, retraining and in-company training at the Employment Center. "Given that the employer independently, at his own expense and on his own initiative carries out this kind of training, it is believed that submission of such a report on training to the Employment Center is impractical. In addition, the introduction of this provision will result in an increase in the number of additional reports that, in turn, will require employers to increase the workload and burden on the employee, and, respectively, and an increase in material costs", - added Yakupbaeva, stressing the need to modify the provisions of the Concept.

A group of deputies at the meeting of the working group of the Mazhilis has proposed to postpone the introduction of compulsory social medical insurance to 2019.


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