The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Employers’ contributions to the mandatory social health insurance fund will be lower

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs has agreed with the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan to reduce the percentage of employers' contributions to the mandatory social health insurance system

This was stated by the director of the Department of services sector of NCE RK Zhanna Ospanova in the course of the public hearings to discuss the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts on the issues of health and the social and labor sphere", organized by the Ministry of Health.

The representative of NCE RK noted that the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of RK carried out extensive work on the introduction of mandatory social health insurance system (MSHIS). The draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts on the issues of health and the social and labor sphere" were submitted to NCE twice. It provides for the introduction of changes and amendments in 18 laws of RK and 7 codes of RK.

The provisions of the draft law were discussed in June and in August last year at the site of the National Chamber with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, industry associations, large employers, the business community and the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the meetings consolidated comments and suggestions of the business community were represented in the expert opinion of the National Chamber.

"In December, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan has joined the work of NCE RK on optimizing the tax burden on business. The fact that the total load on the wage fund - the employer and the employee - in 2020 in connection with the simultaneous introduction of the obligation to pay mandatory pension contributions and deductions to MSHIS system is 50%, i.e., as compared to the year 2016 to increase by 14%. The main achievement of the work done is the agreement reached with the Ministry of National Economy to reduce the rate of deductions % of employers’ contributions", - says Zhanna Ospanov.

In accordance with the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts on health and social and labor sphere issues", the amount of employers’ contributions to MSHIS will be reduced from 2% to 1% in 2017, from 3% to 1.5% in 2018, from 4% to 1.5% in 2019, from 5% to 2% in 2020-2021 and up to 3% in 2022 without an increase.
In addition, according to the results of the work with the Ministry of Health more than 60 proposals of the business community were made, a part of proposals was taken into account by NCE.

"Thus, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On mandatory social health insurance" the term of receipt of medical assistance after the last payment of contributions increased from 1 month to 3 months. There was eliminated the need to adjust the amount of deductions and contributions by employers at the end of a year ", - noted the director of the Department of NCE.

As it was noted by Zhanna Ospanova, for the effective implementation MSHIS, in the opinion of the business community, it is necessary to carry out the following activities: to conduct an audit of expenditure of funds allocated for health care under the SGBP, with the involvement of Kazakh Parliament deputies, public, NCE and the business community. "The audit will show the transparency of financial flows, for what purpose funds are spent, effectiveness of their use. It is also necessary to develop a roadmap to improve the quality of medical services with the possibility of combining SGBP services with MSHIS and VMI, to accelerate the introduction of electronic patient passport and commissioning of multi-functional information system before January 1, 2018. It is necessary to take into account the resources of private medical organizations in the formation of a network of medical institutions in the provision of medical care within the SGBP and MSHIS. And the insurance premiums paid by the employer under contracts of voluntary health insurance for their employees, should be excluded from income subject to personal income tax", - she said.


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