The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Orders and medals – to the best

- West Kazakhstan Region
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Representatives of the Urals business community received state awards

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence a significant part West Kazakhstani residents was awarded with state awards in compliance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the country's contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the country, strengthening of friendship and cooperation between people, active public work.

Among them are representatives of the Urals business community. Order "Parasat" was awarded to the head of LLP "Agrofirma" Akas" Katauolla Ashigaliev and the head of the farm "Matevosyan" Alexander Matevosyan, the medal "Eren enbegi ushin" director of LLP "Kublei Talgat Berekeshev".

 Order "Kurmet" was awarded to the head of the farm "Kirgenev" Kairzhan Kirgenev, director of LLP "Batis Power" Zhaslan Dzhakupov, director of LLP "Ural commercial and industrial company" Valery Krylov, director of LLP "Glass-Service" Arkady Rubtsov. The commemorative medals "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" were awarded to a number of representatives of the Ural business.

A well-known oilman of Kazakhstan Kosherbaev Aygozha-uly is among the award-winners. The director of "Zenittehservis" Kosherbaev Aygozha-uly was awarded with the Order "Kurmet" for merits in development of economy and social sphere. LLP "Zenittehservis" together with large industrial enterprises of WKR established a consortium "Mashzavod", which laid the foundation for an active co-operation of West-Kazakhstan ventures and its foreign partners.

"Consortium "Mashzavod" was created in order to represent the interests of all the engineering companies of the region in one person at tenders organized by the developers of Karachaganak, Chinarev, Kashagan, Karazhanbas, Buzachi Karakuduk fields and their subcontracted organizations - said Kosherbaev Aygozha-uly. - Creation of the consortium allowed us to avoid the practice of dumping prices between the Ural factories and opened new opportunities for closer cooperation with foreign partners in the development of local production".

Currently, orders from the subsoil users are received centrally and processed by the operator of the consortium LLP "Zenittehservis". Based on the agreement the operator allocates orders among all participants of the association of engineering companies, and attracts foreign companies, if necessary. This allows businesses to save their resources. After all, in order to ensure participation in the tender announced by a foreign company, each enterprise had to prepare a package of documents. Today the consortium took over this work. Creation of a consortium allows businesses to coordinate direction, to maintain their specialization, to eliminate competition within the union.

Technological modernization of the machine-building enterprises is carried out by using modern approaches to the implementation of the production process. The main requirement of modernization – is ensuring the level of similar enterprises in the countries - technological leaders in this area. To implement these tasks as part of the consortium were provided: introduction of effective methods of personnel management, based on the principle of "learning throughout life" and the system of training, retraining and advanced training involving universities and employers for the development of educational programs, the establishment of technological platforms for the development of new products, improvement of clusters of technologies at existing enterprises and adaptation of the world's best technologies to the conditions of the existing enterprises, export oriented products manufactured by the enterprise, and many others.

 Performance of these tasks requires the head of the enterprise to have the highest qualification, the scientific approach, the professionalism and the courage to take responsibility. All these qualities certainly belong to a petroleum specialist, honored worker of the oil and gas industry Kosherbaev Aygozha-uly, who is known in the republic and beyond.


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