The national chamber of entrepreneurs


You can’t construct, you need expertise first

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By the condition on 1st of January 2017 the volume of transmitted expert works in the competitive environment in the field of construction is 39%

The Chamber of expert organizations reported on the results of 2016.

As you know, at the beginning of February 2016 the Chamber was created under the auspices of NCE, today, by the condition on 1st of January  2017, 60 accredited expert organizations from 73 accredited by the Committee for Construction, Housing and Utilities of MNE RK are members of the Chamber.

During 2016 the total number of projects admitted to the examination in the competitive environment has reached 6111 units. Of which:

- 2200 projects returned without consideration (the main reason for the return: incompleteness of project design documentation and incompetence of private expert organizations);

- The relevant expert opinions were issued to 2703-projects.

For the implementation of 47-steps of the plan of the nation, the Government developed an Action Plan, according to which it was expected that from 1st of January 2016 to transfer 50% of the expert works in the field of construction to non-state expert organizations and up to 90% by 2020.

However, by the condition on 1st of January 2017, the amount of transferred expert works in a competitive environment is 39%.

Over the past year 4 Standards of the Chamber of expert organizations were developed and teaching aids, which set the general requirements for the procedure for a comprehensive departmental examination of projects, composition, content and expert opinions.

With visits to the sites the specialists of the board conducted analysis of 25 accredited expert organizations located in Akmola, Karaganda, Atyrau, Mangystau and Kyzylorda regions and Astana city.

Accredited expert organizations in pilot mode conducted a comprehensive departmental examination of 2 residential buildings: a 9-storey residential building in the area of conventional geological conditions in Astana and 5-storey house in an area of seismic activity in the city of Shymkent. According to the results of examination:

LLP "PROJECT EKSPERTIZAASTANA.KZ" (Astana) - 9-storey residential building - obtained a positive opinion on 09.14.2016;

LLP "Standard ORD" (Shymkent) - 5 storey house - the project returned for revision due to the fact that the comments were not eliminated.

The Chamber of expert organizations has developed its own electronic information system to conduct a comprehensive examination of departmental projects.

There was signed an agreement with the Institute of Justice of RK on joint efforts to improve laws and regulations on the expert activities in the field of assessment of construction projects.

There was signed an agreement with RSE "State-expertise" on the coordination of actions and development efforts of the expert activities that allow members of the Chamber to use at no charge a single portal (before putting into operation an information system of the Chamber), to obtain advice and assistance when working with the portal.

There was signed a memorandum with the Association "National Association of organizations of expertise in the construction" of the Russian Federation dated by 24th of November 2016 on cooperation for the further development of the examination of construction projects, improvement of the legislative, regulatory and methodological support of expert activities, improve the quality of expert work, exchange of information and best practices.

The main tasks of the Chamber for the current year

  1. The transfer of the functions of accreditation of juridical bodies and certification of physical bodies, applying for the right to conduct a comprehensive outsource expertise of construction projects to the Chamber's jurisdiction.
  2. Increase the number of the private expert institutions.
  3. Preparation of legal documents for re-registration of the Chamber in the self-regulating organization, according to the law of RK "On self-regulation";
  4. Creation of a training center for the education and training of experts of accredited expert organizations. Conduct training of experts on a regular basis with the issuance of certificates;
  5. Implementation of the electronic information system, which has been developed by the Chamber, to conduct a comprehensive examination of departmental projects and integration with the information system of RSE "Gosexpertiza";


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