The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Send notification and replan your premises

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Replanning barriers will be removed by the end of 2018.

On February 9, 2009, the Government of Kazakhstan signed the Road Map (attached) on the transfer of premises replanning permissions, not related to changing the load-bearing structures of buildings, to the notification procedure.

"The issue of inexpediency of issuance of permissions to redevelop the premises (separate parts) of existing buildings that are not related to changing the load-bearing and enclosing structures, utility systems and equipment by local executive bodies, and excluding this process as an excessive administrative barrier for business entities is raised by the NCE since 2015", - Aspena Dosmaganova, director of the construction department of the Atameken NCE noticed.

In case of the Road Map implementation, the premises replanning processes that are not related to changing the load-bearing and enclosing structures will be greatly simplified. To carry it out, it will no longer be necessary to collect the neighbors' signatures or to carry out technical inspection of the facility and get a permission from the local executive body.

To carry out the replanning, it will be enough to develop a corresponding draft design, to notify the authorized body about the beginning of construction and installation works and after the independent object acceptance into operation, provide the relevant act to the architecture and town planning authority.

In 2016, within the framework of optimizing the licensing procedures in the construction sector, the NCE RK "Atameken" initiated the issue of transferring the above-mentioned service to the electronic form and rendering it on the "one-stop-shop" principle, in the framework of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan".

In accordance with the Roadmap, amendments and additions into the register of public services, into the corresponding standard and regulations of the state service, changes in a number of laws and regulations (laws and by-laws), as well as carrying out of explanatory works among the population and business entities are planned by the end of 2018.

"At the same time, we must not forget that, except for administrative barriers, the owner must understand that he has an increased responsibility. The burden of responsibility will also fall on the designer who prepared the draft design, as well as on the owner, who independently performed the acceptance of works, thereby confirming the suitability of the draft design for actual changes in the structure of the premises," - Aspena Dosmaganova added.


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