The national chamber of entrepreneurs


In Uralsk, young people are in a hurry for getting business knowledge

- West Kazakhstan Region
10874 просмотров

Already 120 residents of Uralsk from the beginning of spring passed short-term course "Business Adviser". In the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs they speak about high activity of enterprising youth of the region and increased interest in training. Yuliya Stepanova is an entrepreneur with a three-year experience. At the beginning of her journey to the world of business she had already passed this course, and then she opened in her native Taskalinsky district a tailoring and repair shop. This year the girl decided to engage in another type of entrepreneurial activity, for which she began to explore the market, explore opportunities, find partners and proceeded to write the main document at the beginning of any business - business plan. "I am very glad that I got to this training course. Although I am an active entrepreneur, the information I received here turned out to be very informative for me. For me, information on financial planning and writing a business plan turned out to be very useful, as I am currently working on one project, the implementation of which is planned for this year. This is a great opportunity to get really necessary knowledge in practice, and absolutely free of charge", - said the participant of the training Yuliya Stepanova. Currently, about 120 people have been trained in the business school of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs within this project. Currently, the training continues. Groups are formed both in Kazakh and Russian. In the course of express courses, students were taught the basics of marketing, human resource management, legal aspects of doing business, financial issues of the enterprise and many other things. According to business trainers Nurlan Abdrakhmanov and Zulfiya Khalilova, year by year interest to the business school of the Regional Chamber is growing. Especially active is the enterprising youth of the region, which is in a hurry not just for knowledge, but already has real plans for the implementation of certain ideas. "It is encouraging that young people are now interested not just in commercial activities, but behind each of their ideas there is a certain mission", - said Nurlan Abdrakhmanov. For example, a listener from Uralsk, Nurlan Mergaliyev, currently considers himself self-employed. However, the young man has serious plans to implement a number of interesting and necessary projects for our region. He is interested in the production of alternative energy sources and their implementation in the southern regions of the region. "I had experience in buying and selling. Although they say that it is easier to start a business in the field of trade, since the basis of any business is the sale of goods or services, but I believe that it is necessary to deal with the business that you really likes. I've always been interested in the topic of alternative energy sources and cost optimization. Now I'm negotiating with Russian suppliers, I'm studying the market, I'm looking where there are opportunities. Therefore, I decided to take this course, because it provides informative information on marketing and market research. Two days of training became very productive for me. Very valuable moment was the exchange of experience, since citizens gathered on this platform who were mostly interested in conducting and developing business, many found even potential partners in this or that area", - Nurlan Murgaliyev emphasized. Information is not enough, says business coach Evgeniya Gulitskaya, who also decided to participate in this project. "I always recommend that all my clients participate in state programs on business support. I am glad that much attention is paid to supporting women's entrepreneurship in the country. In order to take advantage of state support measures, it is necessary to receive training within the framework of Roadmap of Business-2020 program. "Two days, surrounded by budding and current entrepreneurs under the guidance of an experienced coach-coach Zulfiya Khailova flew by", - Evgenia wrote later on her social networking page, wishing all participants great success in developing their projects. Courses for the "Business Counselor” project will continue until the end of the year.


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