The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Frequent automobile transportation in danger of unravelling

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The problems of transport operators are in the lack of steady and proper subsidization. This was announced by the deputy chairman of Atameken Eldos ramazanov.

Nowadays we have systemic issues in the sphere of passengers’ transportation and it was clearly shown by the strike in Zhambyl region and the tragedy in Aqtobe region- said Eldos Ramazanov.

Deputy chairman of the board thinks that the key problem is the lack of proper losses subsidization of transport operators. And there is no secret that there is a high run –out of the bus fleet. 

“12000 buses in the country have 60 % run-out. Besides, annual upgrading of the vehicles fleet is represented only by 3 to 5% annually, when it’s necessary 20% which means 3000. It is not excluded the growth of prices for the fuel, lubricants, spare parts etc. which is why the industry became unprofitable and it doesn’t develop. The transport operators have huge sums of debts and they are not able to provide services to population. This situation has arisen among both municipal and private bus fleets”- noted Eldos Ramazanov.

Atameken thinks that nowadays the industry isn’t able to renovate bus fleets, under the threat of regular transportation unravelling. And this will lead to breakdown in the work of industrial enterprises, serious damage to the economy of the country.

“Looking at the international experience in developed countries- public transportation is subsidized by the government. We fractionally subsidize only 7 regions from 16 (Almaty, Akmola, EKR, Pavlodar, NKR, Kyzylorda regions), although there is all necessary legal and normative framework. This situation is unacceptable for the development of public transportation. Atameken often raised this issue at the government level. Currently upon instructions from the first deputy prime minister RK,Mamin Askar Uzakbaevich, is developed a comprehensive programme for development of public transportation, which is under consideration of the government”- said Eldos Ramazanov.

The programme provides subsidizing in its entirety.

“In its turn business is ready to commit itself to promote transparency, to increase Kazakh content through the related subsidies, which will create thousands of jobs and millions of tenge taxation, and the most important it will provide safety. I’ll add that there is already a positive experience of electronic tickets implementation (Almaty, Astana, Karaganda), GPS- trackers implementation (in the main regions) and automatic passengers counters implementation. It provides financial transparency and improves the quality of services.  Atameken also stresses the need for the state programme for the development of highway transport which will push to the right direction of quality and safe development of the industry”- summarized deputy chairman of the board.

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