The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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Today, on May 11, at the Atameken site, the 20th meeting of the Logistics and Transportation Committee of the Presidium of "Atameken" NCE RK was held. 

The meeting was chaired by Yuriy Lavrinenko, Deputy Chairman of the Committee, with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the "Atameken" NCE RK Yeldos Ramazanov, Majilis deputy Taras Hituov, members of the Committee, representatives of industry associations, business community and government agencies.

One of the important issues on the agenda was the results of the work of "Astana-1" customs information system. Zharkynbek Dadikbai, expert of the customs control department of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, listed a number of advantages of the new system.

"Unlike earlier programs, the new format allows you to automatically register and automatically issue a declaration along the green corridor. This makes it possible to reduce corruption risks, since this practically excludes direct contact between the department of international trade and the customs clearance specialist. The new system "Astana-1" reduces the time for processing and issuing declarations," - Zharkynbek Dadikbai explains.

The system was introduced step by step. The first stage was the "Customs transit" subsystem. It ensures the performance of customs operations at the border crossing point. Today, the number of submitted transit declarations is more than 223 thousand. On January 1, the "Export" customs procedure was introduced, where 97% were released automatically. Since April 1 of this year, the "Customs declaration" subsystem for import and other customs procedures has been put into full operation. Currently, about 32.5 thousand declarations for goods were worked out.

Participants noted that a new project is being launched in Russia and electronic identification seals for road transport will be introduced since July 1.

"At first we thought that this would allow transport to emerge from double inspection. It turns out that this is not expected. If the process is one-sided, it will create a barrier to our business. Did the customs bodies discuss the situation?" - Yuri Lavrinenko asked.

The State Revenue Committee explained that electronic seals will be hung on trucks, which will ensure the delivery of goods from the Russian side to the customs authorities of Kazakhstan without inspection.

"When transport will move towards Russia from Kazakhstan, the seals will be hung by the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan. At the moment, the pilot project on the route Khorgos-Almaty is being implemented; it will allow tracking the movement of vehicles without physical escort," - Dadikbai mentioned​​​​​​​

An important problem of the "Astana-1" system is inconsistency with the legislation of the Customs Union.

As noted by Deputy Director of the Department of Customs Administration of the "Atameken" NCE RK Irina Ansarova, filling many graphs of the customs declaration does not meet the requirements established by the customs legislation of the EAEU. At the initiative of Atameken, the State Revenue Committee has developed an instruction that reflects the specifics of filling in a customs declaration using the Astana-1 system. At the moment, it undergoes registration procedure in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The instruction will be sent to the regions and published on the official website of the NCE, so that the business and representatives of state bodies can see it.

Atameken is actively working on the issue of Astana-1 with the State Revenue Committee. I ask the business not to stand aside, but actively connect and send your proposals to the NCE", - Yeldos Ramazanov highlighted.​​​​​​​

As a result, the participants gave a number of proposals on the work of the "Astana-1" system, which NCE will work out together with the SRC MF RK.

Later in the course of the discussion, the work plan of the industry associations was approved in the framework of concluding agreements for the involvement of "Atameken" in 2018.

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