The national chamber of entrepreneurs



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Yeldar Zhumagaziyev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" announced new initiatives during the meeting of the Government on the development of the TVE system.

Talking about the system of dual training, he noted that for today 19 973 students are participating in the process on the basis of 2 327 enterprises and 370 colleges. The system is productive, but a number of limiting factors still exist.

"One of them is the lack of a full reimbursement of business expenses for organizing the practical part of the training. Now there is only a reimbursement for the costs of mentoring services. There is an experience of short-term training in training centers at enterprises, in the framework of the Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021. We believe that this practice should be used also within the framework of the state order for TVE, to transfer part of the funds to enterprises," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev explained

He also noted that annually in the frames of the state order more than 107 billion tenge is allocated for the training of personnel. In the regions there are commissions that decide on the award of a state order by the simple majority method. "Atameken" proposes to increase the share of representatives from business in such commissions up to 50 percent.

"We also propose to amend the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and provide a report of the directors of colleges on the employment of graduates over the past few years in terms of specialties and qualifications. Why is it important? Colleges show a good level of employment in all specialties. But when we phoned all graduates of 6 colleges in the South-Kazakhstan region through the call-center, it turned out that only 10% out of 800 people were really employed. Therefore, if the college claims for state orders for certain specialties, it is necessary to request the analysis of the demand for these specialties, qualifications in the current and subsequent years, precisely in this region," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev noted.​​​​​​​

In addition, Atameken offers to pay attention to career guidance work among schoolchildren and to professionally diagnose children from the 7th grade, prompting in what directionthey should develop the pledged competences.

"Thus, in the process of learning in the 7-8-9 grades, the child will have a personal development plan, and he will make a conscious choice of a profession. The initiative was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but since the new academic year funds were laid only for professional diagnostics of 90 thousand students of the 7th grade. We ask you to assist in allocating funds for professional diagnostics of the remaining number of students that is 180 thousand people. 378 million tenge is required additionally. This is the experience of the Scandinavian countries!" - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber highlighted.​​​​​​​

Separately, Yeldar Zhumagaziyev touched upon the relevance of professional standards. He stressed that there is a constant need to supplement them, taking into account the changed market requirements for a particular profession, as well as re-confirmation.

"There is an urgent need for the Skill Depository in the market, which should absorb the most popular practical skills. I want to cite Astana as an example. Since this year, requirements to specialties on the state educational order for colleges and high schools of the capital have been formed on the basis of data similar to Big Data - these are sources such as HH,, etc., where employers prescribe the skills requirements that should be possessed by one or another specialist. We consider this approach the most promising and it also needs to be developed, as well as the National qualifications system," - the speaker said.​​​​​​​

At the same time, according to the deputy chairman of the National Council, Kazakhstan has no proper analysis of the need for personnel, according to which the state order could be placed.

"Using the example of the Aktyubinsk region, we conducted an analysis of the need for a section of public catering organizations together with the MES. So, in the specialty of "catering" there is a need for 11 professions, the need for 353 cooks, while the colleges train 724 cooks. The demand of the employer is two times less than the supply of educational institutions for cooks," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev cited the example.​​​​​​​

In this regard, "Atameken" proposes to develop a unified methodology for determining the need for personnel, to determine the depth of research to the district in the context of enterprises, and the profession - in terms of qualifications.

Yeldar Zhumagaziyev recalled the work carried out jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science on the evaluation of educational programs of universities. The study was conducted according to a method in which the most important criteria were: the percentage of employed graduates (20% of the total number), their average salary (20% of the total number), the evaluation of the relevance of programs (40% of the total number). A total of 214 industry experts participated in the work.

"By analogy with the assessment of educational programs of universities, we propose to begin conducting an assessment of the educational programs of TVE organizations in 2019. We assessed and found out that the Agrarian College trains in 15 specialties in one of the regions. But only one of them has to do with agriculture. And here a serious analysis is needed!"- Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Atameken" suggested.​​​​​​​

Presentation: Effective tools for the development of technical and vocational education

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