The national chamber of entrepreneurs


"Atameken Services" will increase the digital literacy of entrepreneurs

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More detailed information was provided by Yeldar Zhumagaziyev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the NCE RK "Atameken" during the meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At present, 2,700 online services for entrepreneurs on 68 types of support are provided through the "AtamekenServices" portal.

"Atameken" has developed a "Personal Area" of entrepreneurs, where businessmen will receive 46 public services online. Until the end of 2018 it is planned to complete the integration of the platforms "AtamekenServices", "KazAgro" and "Damu", - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev explained.

The problem of servicing online remains unresolved for some regions. First of all, this is due to weak Internet access, which is documented in 76 districts of the country. With the transition to the online mode, the format of direct consultant servicing has not been stopped, all Business Service Centers and Support Centers have created "Self-service areas".

"Today, the service is provided through EDS, however, as practice has shown, this slows down the process of providing services for entrepreneurs. Therefore, at the moment the portal is implementing two-factor authentication of the individual. This measure does not require an EDS, which speeds up the service. There is a discussion with the MNE on using EDS in the common service area and we hope that the problem will be solved by the end of the year," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev added.

The speaker focused on the implementation of the pilot project Call-center - "Operational Support Service" for farmers in the Aktyubinsk region.

"This is an important project, since animal diseases are an annual urgent problem, - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev said. – It is needed to prevent veterinary diseases, as well as to provide accurate, comprehensive information on the necessary veterinary measures."

Under this project, the farmer will be able to receive advice from local and foreign veterinarians. The application will act on the principle of Uber and inDriver and will allow developing agrocompetencies of the villager.

Yeldar Zhumagaziyev added that "Atameken" intends to introduce automated "scoring systems" for prompt provision of loans through a special website or mobile application. This innovation will allow an entrepreneur to receive a preliminary decision on loans within 10 minutes, submitting documents without leaving home.

It is known that the National Chamber carries out activities as a founder of three microcredit organizations and the management company of LLP "RIC Kyzylorda" under a trust management agreement. For the last 3 years, loans in the amount of KZT 7.2 bn were allocated for 1,671 projects.

However, the availability of financing remains one of the main problems of entrepreneurs.

"In this regard, we offer the credit facilities of all banks and financial institutions to be integrated into one instrument - the "Credit aggregator". The entrepreneur will no longer need to visit 5-6 banks, since all financial institutions will be able to see his application for a loan through a common information platform," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev.

A member of the Board also noted the "Atameken - Academy" online educational programs. The introduction of this product will teach the basics of entrepreneurship at all levels on-line, with the participation of 44 thousand people.

The following projects will be available to users in an open format: Business School, School of Young Entrepreneurs, Business Relations, Senior Professionals, Bastau, and the "Foundations of Entrepreneurship" subject in schools, colledges and universities. Note that the participants of the "Bastau" study the principles of marketing in Instagram, which expands the channels of sales of goods and services.

Another useful product is the "Aman" small business information system. It allows to automate all the small businesses accounting processes, as well as to provide reliable and timely business analysis.

The most important direction of NCE's work is the launch of a geo-information interactive portal based on screening and regional maps. Similar work with the support of the regional akimat was started in the Aktyubinsk region. The map will determine the number of enterprises, obtain information on the certification of industrial enterprises, ensure a balance of trade between regions and solve problems of infrastructure and logistics.

The map is a continuation of the regional map of development and screening. Through the introduction of the Map, it will be possible to determine the current state and prospects for business development in each region of the country," - Yeldar Zhumagaziyev concluded.

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