The national chamber of entrepreneurs


A business women can become successful even in the village

- West Kazakhstan Region
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The Council of Business Women should become a center of concentration of information about the state of women's business in the region

This was discussed during the discussion of business problems in the region by the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of West Kazakhstan region

The Chairman of the Council of Business Women of the National Chamber Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Lyazzat Ramazanova, addressed to the members of the Council, urging them to work to support women's entrepreneurship in rural areas.

"It is necessary to make a diagnosis of their opportunities in the region, analysis the social image of women in the village, in the regional center, to conduct monitoring of business preferences of women, and based on this analysis, to carry out all-round assistance to rural entrepreneurs, first with the word, then the action, specific support", - said L. Ramazanova.

The members of the Council are in solidarity with her, emphasizing that it is very important to give support to women in rural areas - both financial and non-financial. So, Meruet Bergen, Alia Salieva Rosa Burkovskaya spoke about quite a developed agricultural region during the Soviet era, livestock breeding, a major grain production, orchards and vegetable plantations. "People are willing and are able to work but are afraid to borrow. We need to help to calculate the possibilities, to collect the necessary documents, and to accompany the projects until the first payment of the loan amount", - said the business women.

"Our women can do anything. In the 90s, they pulled the economy on their fragile shoulders, and now, during the crisis, they can quickly readjust, - said Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev. - Women are more responsible, more disciplined to repayment of bank loans. Through the Councils of Business Women, the Business support centers women will get targeted explanation how to open a business, in which the tax regime it is better to work, how to prepare a business plan".

As for financial support, then, according to Deputy Chairman of the Board of NCE, the National Chamber launches a micro-loan program for small business under 6-7%, and the following types of collateral will be accepted: sun dried brick houses, cattle, and buildings that STB never take. "These micro-loans will help to rural businesses, especially for women", - he concluded.

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