The national chamber of entrepreneurs


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- Atyrau Region
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Business development map will indicate the correct direction for creation and expansion of businesses

Such an opinion was expressed by Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov during the presentation of the Map of the Regional Development Map, held today in Atyrau. The event was held with participation of representatives of local executive authorities and regional entrepreneurs.

The main beneficiary of this map is an entrepreneur. Lack of quality information, required for establishment and expansion of business, is one of the major problems of entrepreneurship, says Tulemis Shotanov.

"For example, I'm an entrepreneur from Aktobe region, and in my plans is creation a production line in Atyrau. To do this I need to shovel a lot of different sites to find the desired information. However, many of these sites are inoperable, that is, they are not updated. What should I do? I have to visit almost all state bodies of the region, to wait in long queues, to go to the Office of entrepreneurship development and, finally, to get information about the region. However, as practice shows, basically, it is the information in paper form, which must be further reviewed and processed. Now, thanks to map of entrepreneurship development, sitting in Atyrau, I can select any region of Kazakhstan and to get all necessary information", - said a Member of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

According to Tulemis Shotanov, the developers of the Map of regional development in the face of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, set a goal: to develop a unique resource that would answer all questions of business.

"During development of the map, we had a lot of preparatory work, in particular, we know what are the main issues of concern to business. And we are talking about it with businesses. Four key issues were revealed as a result of analysis in the Atyrau region – finances, sales market. In addition, the region has difficult situation with human resources and access to infrastructure. Business development map contains the answers to all these questions. For example, on the climatic conditions of the region, the availability of resources, facilities engineering and transport infrastructure, the necessary expertise and more", - said Deputy Chairman of NCE RK.

According to Tulemis Shotanov, one of the main advantages of the map - is the presence in its registry business - subjects of each of the regions. That is, the domestic entrepreneur or a foreign investor can get answers to the following questions: what to produce, for whom to produce, with whom to produce. To do this, simply enter a keyword in the search bar. This will provide information about all the manufacturers that produce such products. In addition, the resource can be found on all measures of state support, to find out who is the operator of these services.

The regional map of development will be useful for government agencies, commercial banks and development institutions. The  map of should serve for local executive bodies as a guide for planning budget spending on infrastructure, social facilities, landscaping and the provision of government support measures, and second-tier banks and development institutions can use information in the map for  financing of various projects.

The map is available at the following email addresses: or

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