The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Business Navigator as a help for entrepreneurs

- West Kazakhstan Region
15769 просмотров

The map of regional development of entrepreneurship was presented in Uralsk

The business development map will answer the key business issues: what to produce, where to produce, for whom to produce and with whom to produce.

This was told at the presentation of the map of regional development of entrepreneurship, which was held in Uralsk, by Deputy Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Tulemis Shotanov.

"While working on the creation of the maps, we constantly analyzed the main challenges that face business on day to day basis. The results of this analysis show that almost everywhere the business community detect several key problems. The most acute problem of entrepreneurs is availability of financial resources, that is the possiblity to get cheap and long-term money is virtually absent, there is an acute problem of compression of markets, the great work is being done to solve it. For example, in West Kazakhstan was established a commission on public procurement, the composition of which includes the deputy akim of the region Igor Steksov, representatives of the regional chambers, the commission will work on granting domestic producers the priority right to participate in public procurement. Entrepreneurs of WKR named the main problems of the business, such as access to free land, infrastructure, acute problem of shortage of skilled workers", - said Tulemis Shotanov.

As an example, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NCE RK "Atameken" cited figures: 43% of the population live today in rural areas, 24% of employment provide our villagers, 5% produce domestic goods. "Our task is to bring these people into the business. And what do they face in the first place? With the lack of information: what to produce, how much? Lack of narrow specialized knowledge is also one of the key business issues - said Tulemis Shotanov. - Regional map of business development will help to existing and potential entrepreneurs to answer many questions at home online".

According to Tulemis Shotanova, the developers of the map, in the face of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, set a goal: to develop a resource that would answer all key business issues. This is where the business finds data on the natural resource base, infrastructure and many other things. This is a unique thing, there is nothing of the kind in Kazakhstan today. In one-click any businessman will receive all the necessary information. And, most importantly, it contains data about all subjects of business, you can filter the list by the industry and by type of business. To do this, simply enter a keyword in the search bar. This will provide information about all the manufacturers that produce a particular product. In addition, the resource provides info on all measures of state support, to helps to find out who is the operator of a particular service.

Deputy akim of the region Igor Steksov said that the map provides great opportunities for businessmen and investors in terms of which projects are preferable for implementation in the region, which areas of the economy to develop according to regional specifics.

As it was noted by the members of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs Haidar Kapanov and Serik Mergal, "the business community has long awaited this informative resource, the listened with the great interest to the presentation of the map, as the information was new and relevant".

The audience asked questions, as emphasized the representative of the leadership of the National Chamber, the proposals of the business community will be studied and taken into account in further work on the map.

"The map of regional development of entrepreneurship will be constantly updated, supplemented, so we will consider all your suggestions, comments. The website has a feedback option, where anyone can express their wishes", - Tulemis Shotanov told the entrepreneurs.

The map of regional development of entrepreneurship is available on the following electronic address: http: // or

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