The national chamber of entrepreneurs


The best supermarket was chosen in Uralsk

- West Kazakhstan Region
14001 просмотров

The outlets were evaluated in terms of representation of local goods

For the second year in Uralsk is held a competition "The best supermarket of the city".

The winner for 2016 was the supermarket "Dina". The winner - the representative of the trade network received a cup and a diploma from the hands of the deputy akim of Uralsk in the framework of the exhibition "Sapaly onіm". Award of a winner, as well as last year, was included in the program of the City Day celebrations.

The competition was attended by representatives of such networks, as a supermarket "Anvar", hypermarket "Dina", a network of supermarkets "Baiterek" and "Altyndar", LLP "Prodinter", and a network of supermarkets and "Baiterek" of IE "Omarov".

The main evaluation criteria in the competition for the selection of the best supermarkets is the presence of goods of local producers, the availability of the assortment of food products of individual producers, the number of products, the location of goods in terms of their sale, the review level, the direction (left to right or right to left). Despite the fact that the winner was determined by the aggregate indicators, some supermarkets have become leaders by individual indicators. For example, a supermarket, "Anvar" by the results of the last two months of monitoring is the undisputed leader by the range of goods, LLP "Prodinter" has become a leader on such criteria as the number of goods of local producers on the shelves.

And finally, the latest to join the contest participant IE "Omarov" - a network of supermarkets "Baiterek" in Aksai - the most dynamically developing representative, the list of goods of which includes previously unknown to buyers products, made by manufacturers in Burlin district. The number of domestic producers in IE "Omarov" has grown from 8 to 10, and their average range increased to from 88 to 189, that is more than 2 times.

The competition started in April. And, although the number of participating supermarket chains declined compared with last year, according to many indicators this year's competition has surpassed the last year’s one. The average range of local producers (WKR) in trading networks of the city increased from 181 to 227 kinds of goods, which means a growth of 20%. Given the performance of last year, when the range increased from 158 to 178 types of goods, over two years, due to competition, an assortment of local manufacturers on the shelves of retail chains increased by 44%.

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