The national chamber of entrepreneurs


I would go to the builders, but there are barriers

- West Kazakhstan Region
8714 просмотров

At the regular Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs was raised the issue of problems in the sphere of licensing requirements for participation in construction. Gilan Saurbaev, member of the Council, director of LLP BatysTerminal Telecom, explained the essence of the problem to the Council. The fact is that the RK Law "On Amendments and Additions to Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Issues of Architectural, Urban Construction and Construction Activities" was updated, which caused a lot of criticism from the participants in the construction industry. In particular, in accordance with the law, persons who applied for a license for project activities and construction and installation works, and licensees who carry out these activities, should have in their composition attestation engineering and technical workers. By law, the combination of work certified engineers and technicians involved in the design and construction process in other organizations that carry out these activities is not allowed. According to the participants of the construction industry of the region, the established norm creates an additional barrier in the form of the obligation to obtain a certificate to employees, as well as tight binding of workers to one organization, which contradicts the norms of the Labor Code, which allows for part-time work. The second problematic issue is the establishment of the length of service of engineering and technical workers who claim to be certified. According to entrepreneurs, the requirements for seniority (5 years for specialists of the 1st category: chief engineers, architects, designers and 3 years for engineers of 2 and 3 categories: engineers, site managers, masters) are somewhat overestimated, considering that the work experience is not an indicator of the level of knowledge of workers. First, young professionals are left behind. Secondly, the certification procedure includes testing, the main purpose of which is to determine the level of knowledge of state standards in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction. If the threshold level is not reached, the decision is automatically made not to pass the certification of the employee. The question of cost of certification of engineering workers remains important. Entrepreneurs understand that the costs of attesting an employee will fall on their shoulders. Given the transfer of the market in a competitive environment, entrepreneurs have concerns today. The Council instructed the Chamber of Entrepreneurs to study proposals submitted by business entities to remove existing administrative barriers in the sphere of licensing requirements for the participation of business entities in construction and consider the inclusion of voiced problems in the Register of problems of the republican level. The members of the Council decided to send an offer to reduce the length of service for engineers of the 1st category up to 3 years, and 2 and 3 categories to 1 year to NCE RK "Atameken" to amend the legislation. It was also suggested to exclude the norm in the Law on the prohibition on the combination of work by certified engineering and technical workers.


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