The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Introduction of a system of enterprise motivations - a stimulus for the development of dual training

- West Kazakhstan Region
7834 просмотров

There is an active process of gradual introduction of dual training of personnel in the WKR. This was said at the meeting "Dual training as an effective way of training", held in the Uralsk Industrial College. "Currently, 94 tripartite agreements have been signed with 24 colleges and 81 dual training enterprises. A total of 1,518 students were enrolled. Now we can already cite many examples of effective cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions. This cooperation of LLP "Marasant" with the Ural Polytechnic College, LLP "Stroykombinat" with the West Kazakhstan Industrial College, Farm"Gaini" with Chingirlau College. Representatives of enterprises participate in the preparation of working curricula, conduct practical training at the enterprises, take all the necessary costs: depreciation of equipment, material consumption, provision of overalls and food. Such an informal approach to the training of personnel forms a conscious attitude towards the future profession among college students and helps them to gain invaluable practical experience in the period of training", - said Aigul Abulkairova, head of the Human Resources Development Department of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs. Representatives of colleges and enterprises also told about their experience in introducing the elements of dual training. For example, the head of the farm Khainia Gaini since 2014 is a social partner of the Chingirlau College. "The cooperation of the educational institution and the" Gaini "trade union is carried out continuously and continuously. Practically since 2014, I am replenishing the staff of my company at the expense of college graduates. In the process of passing students practice, we, and this is almost 60% of the school time, we are not afraid to give them challenging tasks that they are under the supervision of experienced mentors perform. We try to organize the practice in such a way as to provide students with the opportunity to specialize in the chosen profession to create a perspective of growth in their production qualifications and also to have material rewards. "Special classes for students of the college are created in the school, special clothing is provided, free meals are provided, students are transported, wage is paid", - said Zhaskairat Aisiyev. At the meeting with the heads of educational institutions, representatives of enterprises - social partners, there was a constructive conversation. The social partners exchanged experience, shared problems, and talked about their vision for their solution. Among the existing serious problems impeding the introduction of dual training of personnel on a national scale is the lack of incentives for enterprises to participate in dual training was especially emphasized. The main thing that inhibits the development of dual training, according to the meeting, is the issue of investment. Domestic entrepreneurs in the majority are not ready to invest in training. It is difficult for them to make long-term forecasts and many simply do not have the money to invest in education. And the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not provide for tax preferences for business for participation in the training of personnel. Based on the results of the meeting, the main tasks that should be solved for social partners for the effective implementation of dual training technology were formulated. This is the introduction of a system of motivations for enterprises participating in the dual training and priority budget financing of colleges and training centers, actively introducing dual training of personnel, establishing a mentoring institute in the framework of introducing dual training, creating an effective vocational guidance system, and creating an infrastructure for dual training. Solving these problems will contribute to the formation of a new model of vocational training that will overcome the backlog in the structure, volume and quality of labor resources from the real requirements of specific enterprises.


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