The national chamber of entrepreneurs


And this is just the beginning

- West Kazakhstan Region
12221 просмотров

More than 20 million tenge were returned to business through the intervention of the Business Ombudsman.

Entrepreneurs of Burlin district addressed to the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov during his working visit to Uralsk. Representatives of LLP "Ecology”, LLP “Aksay diagnostic center", Sole proprietor "Mukanov Kh.U.”, SP "Zhumashev" etc. (in total 21 entrepreneur) was asked to assist in the execution of the court's decision to recover the debt from SCE on the right of economic management "Gorkomkhoz” of Akimat of Burlin district on the basis of orders of the specialized inter-district Economic Court (SIEC). The total amount of debt amounted to 40 004374 tenge. Entrepreneurs expected about half a year for the execution of the order. Bolat Palymbetov noted that this problem occurs often among businesses in all regions of the country, thus, he ordered the representatives of the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of WKR to take special control of the issue, carefully consider the appeal of entrepreneurs, and pointed to a number of possible solutions to the problem.

At the next meeting of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs will be discussed the collective treatment of entrepreneurs, with invitation of representatives of the Akimat of Burlin district. According to the decision of the Council, the Secretariat of the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of WKR recommended to take exhaustive measures to comply with the judicial acts, up to announcement of a tender for sale of property of SCE "Gorkomkhoz".  Therefore, a relevant letter will be submitted to the regional prosecutor's office and the prosecutor's office of Burlin district. The letter was also sent to the Ministry of Justice of RK.

This question is always under control of the Chamber, in this connection on 4th of August 2016 entrepreneurs began to receive payments. Thus, according to Burlin territorial department, 10 enforcement proceedings were completed by the condition on 16th of January 2017, 20,445,645 tenge were fully repaid on the claims, partial outstanding debt is 1,257,786 tenge.

Entrepreneurs are convinced that the intervention of the Business Ombudsman and his staff is a powerful lever of influence on state bodies. Currently new appeals come from entrepreneurs regarding enforcement of judicial decisions on debt collection from the public authorities and organizations with the participation of government agencies in favor of businesses.


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